I slam my hands against his chest. “Brother?” I shriek. “Brother. So, now all of a sudden, you want to be my brother. Guess what, dickhead? You haven’t been my brother for years. A brother is supposed to be there for his sister, not some distant memory. You’ve lost whatever right you think you had. You’re nothing but a stranger to me now. Look at you,” I scoff, running my eyes up and down his lean body, taking in the battle wounds covering him from head to toe. “You’re not the brother I once knew.”

Christian grabs me and pulls me into him, scowling down at me. “You don’t get to talk to me like that.”

“News flash, big brother,” I say, the distaste thick in my tone, wishing this was already over and done with so I can make sure that Nic is still alive. “I don’t bow down to you. I’m not one of your loyal followers. I can talk to you however the hell I want, and seeing as you’re solely responsible for the deaths of at least thirty people tonight, I’ll promise to never speak a fucking word to you ever again. I hate you for what you did. How could you do that? They were people just like you and me. They had jobs, lives, families, children. You’re a monster, just like Dad was.”

Christian releases his grip on me, anger bubbling out of him in waves. “I’m nothing like him,” he seethes. “And for the record, the road goes both ways. I’ve done nothing but look out for you from afar. I’ve made sure you were safe. I made sure you always got whatever the fuck you wanted. Is that something your father would have done? Fuck no. I’m nothing like him, so you better watch your fucking mouth before you go and accuse me of that bullshit. You, on the other hand, when was the last time you tried reaching out to me? I don’t see you blowing up my phone every day and checking in. You’re just as much of a shitty sister as I am of a brother.”

I narrow my gaze at him, knowing he’s damn right, but I’m far too stubborn and pissed off to actually acknowledge it. He doesn’t deserve that.

“You killed countless men tonight.”

“What did you think I was going to do? Dominic Garcia kidnapped you right from your apartment. Do you really think I was about to sit back and let him keep hurting you like that? Fuck that, I have more than enough men in there to know what was going on. Though, it turns out that I had nothing to worry about. You were too fucking busy fucking the guy to remember that he kidnapped you from your home.”

I shake my head. “No, that’s not what this was about. No one even knew I was gone.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re my sister. I knew the fucking second you were gone. With Dominic’s face all over the news, and his last known location heading toward Bellevue Springs, I knew he was coming for you. It was only a matter of finding you.”

“No, don’t put this on my shoulders,” I snap. “You did this as a power play. You wanted to be the one to kill Nic and take the glory, just like Dad wanted seven years ago.”

Christian walks around to the desk and drops down into his seat. “I told you, Roni,” he says, slowly glancing back up at me. “I’m nothing like Dad. This had nothing to do with making a power play. Look around you; I already have the fucking power. Believe it or not, this was all about rescuing my baby sister. I know you don’t think so, but I fucking love you. You’re the only real family I have left, and you bet your ass that I’d start a whole fucking gang war just to make sure you were safe. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, kid.”

My gaze drops to the dirty floor. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

“Yeah,” he scoffs. “I’m starting to realize that.”

My eyes sweep back up to his and I bite the inside of my cheek, hating that I have to say what I’m about to say. Regret courses through me, and I swallow down fear as his stare bores into mine. “I didn’t need to be rescued, Christian. I was happy.”

“Happy?” he scoffs. “No, I don’t believe that for one second. You've been running from the guy since you were sixteen.”

“I know, I just … it’s different now. I think I’m in lo—”

Christian flies to his feet, his finger pointed right at me, his face turning a deep shade of red. “DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM,” Christian roars, cutting me off. “That’s unacceptable. I will not stand for this.”