I can’t help but grin.

That’s my fucking girl, and damn, it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Sebastian stands right by her, letting her do her thing while always keeping her in his sights, allowing me the freedom to fight like I should be fighting.

The war rages on, and men drop around me, learning once and for all that Dominic Garcia and the Black Widows can’t be fucked with.

Blood seeps from my stab wound but I keep fighting. Bodies fly across the warehouse like fucking bowling balls, while the random gunshots continue to send shivers down my spine, not knowing if it’s one of my men or the enemy.

As men surround me, breaking bottles over heads, wielding knives that drip with their enemy's blood, the lines seem to blur between my side and theirs.

A familiar face finally makes its way to me, and I stare at Christian with disgust. How could he bring his men into this? I once thought he was a good guy, but it seems that he’s more like his father than anyone ever expected. The seven years of leading the Wolves has changed him.

“WHERE IS SHE?” he bellows, cutting straight to the chase and drawing his gun, pointing it right between my eyes.

I smile, shaking my head before spitting a mouthful of blood to the ground. I step into his gun, letting the cold metal press right against my forehead. I stare into his eyes, leader against leader, and tell him exactly how it is. “You better pull the fucking trigger because you’ll never get her.”

Darkness swirls in Christian’s eyes, and I know without a doubt that he won’t hesitate, but when I hear Roni’s scream tearing through the clubhouse, we both whip our gazes toward her.

She runs at us. “NOOOOO,” she screams, reaching her brother in seconds and knocking his arm out of the way. “Don’t fucking touch him,” she demands, throwing herself in front of me and refusing to move as she stares down her older brother. “Take your fucking Wolves and leave.”

He gapes in horror, unable to believe what the fuck he’s seeing, but he’s not having it. I go to grab her, hooking my arm around her waist and getting ready to haul her stubborn ass behind me, but Christian launches out and grips her by the arm, desperately trying to tear her away.

Roni gets stuck in a twisted tug of war and screams in pain as he yanks on her arm. “Don’t be a fucking idiot,” he seethes at his little sister before shooting a wicked glare my way. “Let go of her, or I swear I will fucking end you all.”

Roni tries to push at Christian’s chest, kicking her legs and trying to get free. “Let me go. I’m not going with you.”

Christian shakes his head, having enough of this ridiculous little game. His gun comes up, and without even thinking about it, he pulls the trigger, narrowly missing Roni’s face before the bullet sinks deep into my chest.

I’m rocked back with the force, my body slamming heavily to the hard ground while Roni’s screams are the last thing I hear before everything goes quiet.



“YOU’RE FUCKING DOMINIC GARCIA?” Christian roars as his office door slams shut behind him, blocking out the sound of the Wolves desperately trying to keep one another alive.

I fly to my feet after being thrown across his office into the shitty little couch in the corner of the room. “I’m not some fucking animal that you get to boss around and manhandle,” I scream, storming across the office and getting right in his face. “I can fuck whoever the hell I want to fuck. It’s none of your damn business. I’m twenty-eight years old, not some hopeless teenage girl who doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing. Now get out of my way. I have to go and check that he’s still fucking breathing.”

Christian grabs my arm and pushes me back toward the couch. “Like hell. Are you in-fucking-sane? The dickhead just broke out of prison. Prison, Roni. He’s a fucking criminal. You’re so much better than that. I didn’t risk everything for you to fall back into this fucked-up trap. You were supposed to be a fucking star. You were supposed to have it all, but you’re throwing it away for a quick fuck with a guy who’s either going to be dead in a few years or locked back up. You have too much to live for, and I’m not about to let you waste it on him.”

I storm back toward him. “Manhandle me one more fucking time, Christian, and I swear to God, I will fuck things up for you so bad …”

“Oh yeah,” he scoffs. “How the fuck do you think you’re going to do that? I’m your brother. I have every right to manhandle you if I think you’re making the biggest fucking mistake of your life.”