Roni catches my panicked gaze, and within a heartbeat, she starts racing toward me, the words I’d said long forgotten. “RONI,” I yell, breaking away from the guy who tries to stab me in the back.

She keeps her wide stare locked on mine as she runs, weaving through the men and terrified for her life. A gunshot rings out behind her and she instantly drops to the ground with a loud squeal. She’s strong, and while she’s just starting to open herself to the darkness, a gang war isn’t exactly something that she was ready for.

I reach her in no time, scooping her right off the ground and placing her on her feet. I curl my hand around her arm tight enough to leave bruises and run, desperate to get her out of here.

“Are you hurt?” I yell back over my shoulder, taking in her panicked face as we race through the clubhouse.

She shakes her head, too crazed to even respond.

I squeeze her arm, trying to get her to focus. “Where’s your brother?”

Roni blinks a few times and takes a shaky breath before finally wrapping her head around all the bullshit and answering. “I don’t know. I saw him outside and haven’t seen him since. Why? You’re not going to hurt him.”

“I’ll do more than fucking hurt him after he brought this bullshit down on my men.”

Roni cringes, and for a moment I hate myself for being so ruthless and open about my plans for her big brother, but fuck it, I won’t be hiding it. Surely she knows that he signed his own damn death certificate by coming here like this tonight.

She doesn’t comment on her brother’s impending doom, and I take it for what it is—an argument not worth having right now.

When she trips over a discarded body, I tighten my grip on her and keep her moving. I won’t be letting her fall behind. She will not get hurt under my watch.

We’re just about to the back offices where I can lock her away from threats when five men come at me from all sides. Roni tugs on my hand, forcing me to a stop knowing that if I keep going, we’re both going to end up dead. They bear down on us and I instantly push her behind me. “Don’t fucking move,” I tell her, ready to protect her with my fucking life if that’s what it takes.

The Wolves come at me, and I do everything that I can to keep myself in front of her, but with five guys all looking for a piece of me, it’s not always that easy. Not to mention, now the Wolves see her as somebody I want to protect. The target on her back may even be bigger than mine.

Fists come at my face while a knife slices straight through my fucking waist, missing anything important, but stinging enough to make me realize that I’m not going to get out of this alive.

Roni screams behind me, absolutely terrified, but I’ll be damned if I ever give her up. Another gunshot rings out and as my energy starts draining out of me, more punches start getting through. I can’t hold them off, I’m going to fucking lose her.

As if sensing that I’m in trouble, Kairo, Elijah, and Sebastian show up at my side and their presence has a newfound energy powering through me.

Kairo moves in beside me, grunting as he delivers a crowd-pleasing blow to the fucker attempting to take his life. “What are you doing?” he growls through a clenched jaw. “Hand her over and this will all be over. You’re going to get yourself killed.”

I send a sharp glare his way while narrowly avoiding another bullet that shoots right past my face. Realizing this isn’t the time to fuck around, I come clean, finally letting them know what’s up. “I’ll fucking die before giving her up,” I spit. “I’ve been in love with her since I was sixteen.”

I hear Roni’s gasp behind me as Kai’s eyes bug out of his head, but in an instant, he’s with me just like I knew he would be, ready to protect her with everything that he has. If she’s worthy of capturing me like that, then my boys will protect her with their lives despite her blood. It’s just the way things are around here.

More and more men come at us, and the fight quickly moves to the back of my clubhouse, everyone following us to either protect or attack. Fists fly back and forth, while guns, knives, and brass knuckles get more action than they’ve ever seen before.

As another Wolf falls to the ground, I glance back at Roni, making sure that she’s alright, only to find her gone. Panic surges through me, but as I begin scanning the room, I find her standing on the other side of Sebastian with her battle face on and a crowbar securely in her hand, going to fucking town.