Nic rolls his eyes but steps on the gas and sends us soaring down the road. We get all of a hundred meters before Nic is grabbing the food off my lap and picking at all his favorites. “Hey,” I snap, slapping his hand away. “Get your filthy hands out of there. Is it really that hard to wait until we get back?”

“Can’t,” he grunts. “Ran out of time eating your pussy. Eat up, we’re going straight to the Widows.”

My eyes widen and excitement settles through me. The second he mentioned going out to see them, I was curious to see him in action, and not just the action of getting his dick wet or ending a life, but seeing him truly as the leader of the Black Widows. I want to see how they respect him, I want to see how they act around him, how they jump at his commands.

I want to see my man dominate.

My man? Fuck. No, I can’t start thinking like that. I know it feels like he’s always been mine, even when he wasn’t, but that can’t be the case. I have to get a little separation between us before I completely get pulled into his trap. I wonder what he’ll do if I tuck and roll right out of the car onto the highway.

Nic has a reputation around here and that reputation has spread far and wide. It’ll be interesting to see if his men still fear him after six and a half years away or if they’re going to need a reminder of why he’s the best in the business.

Knowing that we won’t be stopping to eat, I start pulling out our dinner and hand Nic his burger and fries to avoid him constantly reaching over and bugging the living shit out of me. Nic drives effortlessly while practically annihilating his food and I get halfway through before turning to him. “Will you tell me what it was like in prison?”

His brows crease and he looks over at me while popping a chip into his mouth. “Why do you wanna know that?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Just curious,” I say with a grin pulling at my lips. “Best to know what it’s like seeing as though I’ll be heading that way if I spend much more time with you.”

Nic rolls his eyes and focuses back on the road. “The first year was the worst. Adjusting and figuring out the hierarchy in there while also trying to show those other dickheads that I couldn’t be fucked with wasn’t exactly fun. It was rough, but they quickly learned who I was and that if they tried, they’d end up in the morgue. I sent three fuckers to their graves in the first two months. I couldn’t confirm it, but I'm pretty sure there were some Wolves in there or at least some guys with connections to the Wolves.”

“You’re Dominic Garcia,” I remind him. “You were just starting in prison right when the Wolves were screwing around with their leadership. Everyone would have tried to take you out just to claim they deserved the top spot.”

Nic nods. “And that’s exactly what happened. No one could even get close and the ones who tried ended up dead. People on the inside weren’t the only ones learning those lessons the hard way.”

“Well, shit,” I grumble, unable to even begin imagining what that would have been like “What happened after that?”

“When the death threats slowed down a little, I was able to start focusing on making connections and learning how to screw the system. After I got a few guards in my back pocket, life was pretty smooth. I ran that prison like I run my Widows.”

“Is that how you were able to break out of there so easily?”

Nic scoffs. “There was nothing easy about it, but yes, having the guards under my thumb certainly helped.”

I shake my head. “I can’t even—”

Nic’s phone blares through the car, cutting off our conversation. He glances down at the screen and groans before hitting accept and lifting the phone to his ear. “Kai?” he snaps, sounding pissed to have our conversation interrupted.

There’s a short silence, and I try to listen to Kairo’s voice coming through the phone, but his words are too rushed and muffled to understand what the fuck is going on.

“FUCK,” Nic roars, quickly glancing at me before stepping on the gas and pushing his car to its limits. “I’ll be there in two fucking minutes.”

Nic ends the call and practically throws the phone down on the ground so he can use both hands to drive. “What’s going on?” I ask, wide-eyed, feeling panic settle through me at the tense set of his brows.

Nic’s lips pulls into a tight line, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s not going to answer me before he finally starts talking. “Christian got wind of me coming here tonight. So not only is one of my men a fucking traitor, but the Wolves are on their way.”