He went at her harder, faster, savoring every gasp, every drop of her arousal, every moment that he could see her like this. Raw and frenzied and hungry. For him. Her hands fell to his head, holding and guiding him, her fingers clenching in a bid to gain purchase in his short hair.

Christ, he could come from this alone. From getting to be the one on his knees making her pussy clench and weep against his mouth.

His thumb slipped into the wetness he was drawing out with his tongue, then teased her pussy and dipped inside her. His grip tightened against her ass, and his fingers slid between her cheeks, two of his fingertips brushing against her rear hole.

The groan she unleashed sounded like the most shattered satisfaction. “Coming, coming,” she cried, her pleasure coating his tongue and thumb. Maddeningly curious, Caine pressed his fingertips harder against that hole again, and she nearly buckled over him, her hips shuddering, her orgasm stretching out, her short nails scratching against his scalp. Fuck.

Fuck. The pleasure she got out of him touching her ass while he ate her pussy would be tattooed on his memory for the rest of his life. Which was so damn much better than most of the other things etched there.

“Jesus, Caine,” she rasped, still trembling.

He pushed her upright again, one big hand braced against her belly. Because there was no fucking way he wasn’t licking her clean. He did, and she let him, even though she must’ve been terribly fucking sensitive judging by the near pained cries and little pleading begs that spilled out of her mouth.

“Oh, God, please. Please, Caine. I can’t… I can’t take it… It’s so good but it…it’s too much.”

When he was satisfied, he peered up her body. Their gazes collided, and he snaked his tongue between those soft lips one more time.

Just one last taste.

And then he sucked his thumb clean for good measure, making sure she saw him do it. He wasn’t going to hide his enjoyment of her, nor the fact that he could find pleasure in things that crossed lines for some other people. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure he had a line at all.

Finally, Caine pulled up those little white panties and put them back into place. Repeated that process with her jeans. Grabbed his hat and got to his feet, his boots a little clumsy and heavy against the floor after being on his knees for so long.

Chewy growled and barked, and then he was suddenly jumping at the door to the back porch.

Emma’s head dropped against Caine’s chest. “I’m sorry that my dog is cockblocking you,” she said, humor plain in her tone. “This is his needs-to-go-out dance.”

Well, that made things a little easier for Caine, then, didn’t it? “Don’t worry about it.”

Her hand cupped his dick through his jeans, and Caine was still so aroused that he groaned. Emma bit down on her bottom lip as she stared at his face, and the look she was giving him was so damn sexy. She whispered. “Oh, I’m not worried. I’m just wanting my turn.”

Caine nearly shuddered from the erotic promise, and from the fact that he needed to resist it.

Luckily for him, Chewy was going in circles now, barking like it was the new cool thing to do. “Hold that thought,” Emma said, smiling at him so damn pretty. Her cheeks were still pink from the exertion of her orgasm. Her hair was still mussed from his hands. Her eyes were still heavy with desire. She made for the door and shook her head as she bent down to give the dog a pat. “What is your problem anyway? Barking like a crazy man. Come on.”

Cold air poured in as she flipped on the back porch light and stepped outside. The chill lured Caine out with her, because he was in need of some serious assistance in cooling himself off before he took this thing with her places his gut told him he didn’t want it to go.

Chewy went out like a shot, sniffing all over the porch before finally running down the steps and repeating the sniffing circle in the small grassy yard. Flurries spun in the air around them, and Caine wanted to crack his head against the brick wall of her house for noticing how pretty they looked in Emma’s golden hair.

“Would you go already, silly dog? You barked to come out and now all you wanna do is sniff,” Emma said, peering over the railing.

Chewy finally found a spot to cop a squat, but then he was back to sniffing. Liking the cold, Caine pocketed his hat and inhaled a deep, calming breath, readying himself to walk away when they went back inside.

“No, Chewy!” Emma suddenly called out.

Caine looked into the dimness of the yard in time to see Chewy’s tail disappearing through the wooden gate.