The whole group partied and honored Jesse with a dinner, and then she and Jesse spent some time with his family at their hotel—the Marriott, of course. Tara so enjoyed seeing Jesse with his family that she couldn’t help but think the evening ended way too soon.

“I’m sorry we can’t stay longer,” Willa said as she and her mom walked them to the door.

Jesse hugged his sister. “You don’t have a thing to apologize for. I know you need to get out to California to get ready for your big day.” That was where her fiancé, Max, owned a resort where the wedding was taking place, and they all had 6 AM cross-country flights the next morning. “And we’ll see you there real soon.”

“I know. I’m really proud of you, Jesse.” She dashed away a tear before it fell.

He leaned down to meet his sister’s eyes. “I’m really proud of you, too, Willa. And I’m so glad I get to be a part of your new family.”

“Aw, geez, is everyone gonna get all mushy?” Alex said, making them all laugh. He didn’t share Willa and Jesse’s dark eyes, so Tara guessed he took after his father that way.

Jesse ruffled his nephew’s hair. “Take care of your mama, little man.”

“I will, Uncle Jesse,” Alex said, giving Jesse a quick hug that made Tara’s heart squeeze. Between wanting to sit by his uncle at dinner and all the stories Alex had told Jesse about his new dog, Rocky, it was clear the boy was enamored with his uncle. And Tara so cherished that for Jesse. She really did.

“I’ll see you real soon, Jesse,” his mom said next. When she pulled back from embracing Jesse, she reached out for Tara. “You have a sweet girl here.” The lady gave her the warmest smile, one that made her feel like she was a real part of the reunion happening here. “I can’t wait to see both of you again in a few weeks.”

After that, everyone hugged again, until it was clear that no one really wanted to part. But finally, Jesse and Tara left and went home to her apartment—their temporary digs while they searched for a place together.

When they walked through the door, Penny and Mailman danced around their feet. The 10-year-old pug/terrier mix and 8-year-old pitty had been Jesse’s idea, but it wasn’t like it took much convincing for Tara to agree.

“Hi, guys,” she said, bending down. “Jesse’s a real police officer now, so you better be good.” Mailman swiped his huge pink tongue across her chin, making her laugh.

Jesse chuckled. “They’re in charge around here and they know it.”

That much was true, which was why all four of them now slept in her bed. But as far as Tara was concerned, you could never have too much love.

“I’ll take them out while you get changed,” she said.

Jesse hesitated, but then just nodded. “Okay.”

Fifteen minutes later, she returned with two much calmer doggos, and she was telling them what a good boy and girl they were when she walked through their apartment door—to find Jesse still in his uniform.

And down on one knee in the middle of the living room.

Tara gasped. She dropped the dogs’ leashes, who didn’t seem to mind dragging them along as they trotted to the water dish. “Jesse,” she said.

He held out a hand, beckoning her to him. As her heart thundered in her chest, Jesse took her hand in his. “Tara Hunter, I love you for the amazing woman you are, for the man you’ve helped me become, and for all that you’ve given me. I’m a better man with you, and it would be the greatest honor of

my life if you would let me dedicate my life to loving you. Tara, would you please marry me?”

Jesse pulled a diamond ring out of his pocket. The princess cut was stunning, perfect, but it couldn’t begin to compare with the soul-deep love shining from this man’s eyes. This man whom she loved with her whole heart.

“Nothing would make me happier, Jesse. Yes, I’ll marry you,” she said.

His breath actually caught, and the sound of his surprise and awe reached right into her chest. He slid the ring onto her finger and rose, taking her in his arms. “Love you, baby. So much. Thank you for taking a chance on me.”

“Oh, Jesse, I love you, too. Loving you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

He took her chin in his fingers and smiled. “Here’s looking at you, kid.”

Yeah, they were meant to be.


* * * *

Also from 1001 Dark Nights and Laura Kaye, discover Ride Dirty, Hard As Steel, Hard To Serve, and Eyes On You.