“Nothing,” he said, undeterred.

“Then why are you looking at me like that?”

Like I want you? Because I do. But he didn’t say that. “Like what?”

“Um, I don’t know. All…intense and stuff.”

That eked a smile out of him. “All intense and stuff?”

“Yeah. You know.”

He shook his head. “I really don’t.” He totally did.

She stopped behind a line of traffic at a red light. “You do, too. The whole tall, dark, and intense thing.”

Jesse grinned. “Tall, dark, and intense?”

Her expression went totally exasperated, and she rolled her eyes. “Stop answering a question with a question.”

“Why?” He was thoroughly enjoying himself now.

She glared at him. “Smart ass.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I didn’t mean it as one.”

“Hmm. How should I take ‘tall, dark, and intense’ then?” he asked, attempting to paint an innocent expression on his face.

Her cheeks went pinker. “I don’t know!”

“I’m going with another compliment, I think.”

“Oh, for crap’s sake,” she muttered under her breath.

“Regretting bringing me yet?” he asked.

Tara sighed. “I haven’t decided.” But there was no heat behind the words. “So are you going to answer the question?”

Jesse blinked. “Er, what was the question again?”

She rolled her eyes at him so hard. “Why you were looking at me.”

Images flashed through his mind’s eye. Of Tara, pinned against the wall in his hotel room. Of her sprawled out on his bed as he crawled over her. Of those blue eyes flashing up at him as she took him in her mouth. “Truth?”


“Because I like looking at you.” A fucking understatement given the way their teasing was stirring heat through his blood.

Deep pink roared over her face and down her throat. She swallowed audibly. “Oh.”

“Mmhmm. Any other questions?” he asked.

“Um. No.” She braked at an open parking space. “Anyway, we’re here so prepare for me to kick your ass.”

Jesse blinked. And then erupted with a deep belly laugh.

She glared as she parallel parked, killed the engine, and turned to him. “Think that’s funny, huh?”