Tara’s hands went to Jesse’s hair, forcing him out of his head, away from thoughts he didn’t want to be having.

He went at her more hungrily, liking that she’d been able to chase the shit of his memories away. Liking being distracted. Being desired. Being touched. It drove him on. Made him flick and circle and suck her clit until she was squeezing his shoulders with her thighs and scratching his scalp with blunt fingernails. He added a second finger and fucked her as he sucked, his cock demanding friction he wasn’t going to give it yet.

“God, Jesse, don’t stop.”

He spoke against where she was hot and wet. “Never. Not when I wanted you from the second you looked at me.” The moment his mouth returned to her clit, her core went tight around his fingers.

“Oh, fu—” Her breath cut off as her whole body arched and her muscles pulsed where he was inside her. He licked her through the orgasm, his mouth moving on her clit until she cried out and grasped his face in her hands, forcing him to let up. “G-gonna kill me.”

He grinned at her, then slowly crawled up her body, loving the way she looked at him—the way her eyes on his body made him feel. Strong and worthy. He settled in along the side of her, his hand lazily stroking over her belly.

Tara pushed up and kissed him full on the mouth. How something could feel grateful and possessive all at once, Jesse didn’t know. But fuck if that wasn’t exactly how it felt as her hand cupped his jaw, her mouth opened wide over his, and her tongue licked at his again and again. “You taste like me,” she whispered.

Jesse groaned and pushed his hips into her thigh, an instinctive movement full of need that reminded him how fucking hard he still was. And then her hand grasped him through his jeans. She squeezed and stroked until he couldn’t help but grind into her touch.

“My turn.” She gave his shoulder a good shove, forcing him onto his back. Then she was undoing his jeans and stripping him bare. On her knees between his legs, she swept her hair all to one side then took his cock in hand.

Jesse wanted to watch, but the tightness of her grip moving over him had his head falling back against the bed and just giving in to the pure fucking decadence of it. Her hair spilling against his hip was all the warning he had before her mouth closed around his head and her tongue bathed over his length.

“Jesus, Tara,” he rasped, bracing one arm under his head so he could watch. “Feels so good.”

Those blue eyes flashed up at him at the same time that she sucked him deep, deeper. Her eyelids fell shut as she took him into her throat and held him there.

Jesse’s hands flew to her hair, and he nearly hollered at the gut punch of pleasure. It was all he could do not to thrust his hips, especially when she began to move in a way that made his cock fuck even deeper into her throat. Just small, quick ups and downs that shoved him so hard toward orgasm that he wasn’t sure how he held back.

“Christ, baby, I don’t want to come yet,” he said, his voice a raw scrape.

Slowly, she withdrew until her tongue just flicked at his tip. “I don’t see a problem with that.”

“C’mere.” He looked his fill of her body moving over his, and then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I want to be in you first.”

She nodded, her face soft with arousal and something sweet that looked like affection. Or maybe that was him projecting his own messed-up state of mind. But then she looked away as she reached over to where his jeans were discarded on the edge of the bed. “Do you have another condom?”

“Fuck. No,” he said. “Fuck.”

She smiled and kissed his jaw, once, twice. “I’m happy to finish you with my mouth.”

He tucked a long wave of hair behind her ear, and then rolled them until they lay side by side, one of his arms under her head, their legs tangled. “I want to hold you right here,” he said, taking himself in hand. “So I can feel you against me when I get off.”

Tara’s gaze cut to where he was stroking himself between them, his fist bumping against her belly on the upstroke. Her bottom lip caught on her teeth before her tongue stroked over her lip, leaving a glossy streak. “God, that looks hot.”


She squeezed her legs together, and the idea that he was arousing her again lanced white heat through his blood. “I could help.” Her fingertips stroked at his balls, then she cupped him in a gentle squeeze.

“Can’t make this last,” he rasped.

“Don’t try to,” she said, tugging at his sack until he was clenching his teeth at the goodness of it all.

He tightened his grip and stroked himself faster. “Tara.” Her name came out as a plea.

“Want to feel you on my skin.” With that invitation on her tongue, she kissed him until he couldn’t breathe and couldn’t care.

And couldn’t hold back. He groaned into the kiss as his cock jerked

in his hand, and his cum lashed heat across his fingers and her belly. His heart a fucking freight train in his chest, he lay there completely obliterated.

“We should…probably clean up,” he finally managed.