All he knew was that it unleashed an absolute roar of possessiveness inside him.

One he had no goddamn right to feel.

Chapter Eleven

Shayna stretched out on the bed next to where Billy lay looking absolutely wrecked. After lusting over him for so long, she could barely believe what they’d just shared and how thrilling it’d been to make him fall apart. Or that she had the ability to look her fill of his naked body, sprawled out beside her like a freaking god.

Now, she wasn’t sure what to do or how to play it.

Were they done? Would he want more?

In a delicious display of masculinity, his cock lay semi-erect against his hard belly. Jesus, he’d been a delicious and slightly overwhelming mouthful. And just that one thought made it clear that she was game for more if he was. Then again, she was the one with the possibly run-away feelings.

Not just possibly, Shay.

Er, right.

So then, should she instead act casual, say good night, and go back to her own room? Probably. She inhaled to attempt the latter when his gaze cut to her and he extended his arm.


Shayna’s heart did a little flip inside her chest. Because snuggling with him hadn’t been within any of the neighboring realms of possibilities in her mind. But she wasn’t questioning it, either.

She moved into the nook along his body—head on his good shoulder, knee on his thigh, hand on his chest. And then he wrapped his arm tight around her shoulders and pulled her in that much closer. The sigh he released was one of pure satisfaction, and it made her smile.

He was warm and strong and being so sweet, and he held her there for long enough that her eyelids grew heavy. His breathing calmed and slowed, lulling her closer to sleep. Close enough that, when she heard his voice, she was sure she’d dreamed it.

Or, perhaps, “nightmared” it, given what her mind had conjured him saying.

Can we return to our earlier conversation?

Nice try, subconscious.

“Shay?” his voice came—again, apparently—at little more than a whisper. “Did you hear me?” His chin turned into her head as if he were peering down at her.

Her heart played a sudden thundering beat in her chest. Not dreaming after all. “What?” she asked, hoping maybe he’d think he’d awakened her and let it go. Because she didn’t want to return to their conversation.

That was not the more she was game for.

His fingers drew a lazy circle on her ribs. “Can we return to what we were talking about this morning? In the car.”

No. Nonono.

She didn’t want to talk to him about why she felt guilty. Not after what they’d just done. Not after he’d managed to see her as a desirable woman and not just her brother’s kid sister. And not when part of her hoped he could someday see her as even more than that.

This morning, she’d been impulsive and stupid, as if his words and demeanor had worked a spell on her. One that made her open up when she normally wouldn’t. Even if that had been true, that spell was broken and her sense of self-preservation was back. In spades.

“I…” Swallowing hard, her mind raced for how to say no in a way that wasn’t just a flat refusal. “Now?”

“Why not?”

“I, uh, don’t know. Pretty tired.” Could you be anymore lame, Shay?

Those circles continued against her side. “It’s important,” he whispered.


“Tell me, Shayna.” His voice was quiet, but there was an intensity there.