“Wait.” Dani held out her hands and surveyed the lot of them. “I need this story from the beginning.”

Which kicked off twenty minutes of her and Billy fighting to tell their versions of the story—sans all mention of her getting naked at the end of it, thank God—while everyone laughed and taunted Billy and high-fived Shayna.

Dani and Tara were totally on her side all the way, and that had Billy refusing to share the piece of cheesecake that he’d agreed to split with Shayna when they ordered it.

She tried to maneuver her fork around his arm, but he blocked her, making her laugh even as she pleaded for a bite. “Come on. It’s not my fault that all your friends think it’s funny that I broke into your house.”

He smirked at her. “That isn’t earning you any cheesecake.”

“It’s my cheesecake, too,” she said, trying again.

He easily blocked her next attack. “Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”

“Quit being a dickweasal,” she said, laughing as she tried again.

He grinned and held the dessert plate further away. “Dickweasal, am I?”

“Oh, do you prefer jizzmuffin?”

Mo’s eyebrows went way up. “Listen to the genius coming out of this girl’s mouth.” Everyone laughed. “Is this also courtesy of your brother?”

“Brothers,” Shayna said, not failing to claim Dylan, too. For once. “And yes. I had to be able to insult them back, didn’t I?”

Grinning, Mo grabbed the plate from Billy’s hand when he wasn’t looking.

“Hey!” Billy said, a comically outraged expression on his sexy face.

“Creativity like that takes fuel, brother, that’s all I’m saying.” He handed the plate around Billy to Shayna.

About two-thirds of the cake was left, and Shayna promptly licked the whole top of it. “I licked it. It’s mine now. Take that, assclown.”

The whole table howled in laughter. Mo was actually crying.

And she thought Billy’s expression had been comical before. His jaw dropped. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

She slid a big forkful of the sweet, creamy deliciousness into her mouth. “Oh, believe it,” she said around the bite.

As he watched her, his gaze shifted. From outraged to playful to challenging. And she didn’t think she was imagining more than a little heat in those dark eyes, either. “You think I’m put off by a pretty woman’s tongue, Shayna Curtis?”

“Damn,” Sean said. “It’s getting a little X-rated up in here.”

“Check, please,” Noah called out, making everyone laugh again.

Meanwhile, Shayna nearly swallowed said tongue as she prayed to God that the heat lashing through her body didn’t climb up her face. Because Billy was staring at her with an arched brow and a smug, expect

ant look in his eye. “No curses for me now?”

“So, so many,” she managed, smiling despite herself and her arousal and the way her belly was flipping. Because there was no way to read what was happening just then but as flirtation. She put the plate between them. “Help yourself if you really want.” She said the words looking him straight in the eyes, silently inviting him to interpret them however he wished.

Right in that moment, she was entirely open to him helping himself to her, too.

He took a big bite and made a point of closing his eyes and mmming.

The sound of Billy’s moan seemed connected to something primal in Shayna. Because she was suddenly wet. Lordy.

And as they paid and said their good-byes, Shay had absolutely no idea what to think about their flirtation or whether to expect anything more to come. All she knew was that she’d probably say yes to anything Billy Parrish wanted from her.

Anything at all.