Grinning, Shayna nodded. “Yeah. Ryan wrote me.” She had to force her eyes not to rush over the words.

Hey Shay. Shitnubbin is solid B- material. You can do better, squirt.

She grinned at his use of the million-year-old nickname. As a kid she’d hated it, but it didn’t bother her so much anymore. Shayna would gladly take any and all teasing her brothers had ever done if it would bring her other brother back again…

Focus. Right. She mentally shoved the thoughts back into the corner where they lived, always looming just on the edge of consciousness.

I’m glad you’re liking the job, but you don’t owe me a thing. You did this all on your own. All I did was tell you what you already knew. And Billy’s arm didn’t take any twisting. Though if he gives you any trouble, tell him I’ll kill him in his sleep.

She sniggered and grinned at Billy. “He says if you give me any trouble, he’ll kill you in your sleep. So, that’s a hello, I guess?”

He smirked around a bite. “Pretty much.”

Seriously though, take your time finding a place. You have a home there as long as you need it, trust me. I’d rather you find the right situation then rush into something with a roommate that doesn’t work out or a place that isn’t safe. You don’t need that kind of headache. And get Billy to run a background check on any potential roommates, will ya?

She rolled her eyes as she talked to herself. “I don’t think so.”

“What?” Billy asked.

“Nothing. He’s being stupid.”

“Highly doubt that.”

Now she was the one smirking. “Ryan is capable of massive amounts of stupid. Trust me. He wants me to have background checks done on potential roommates.”

Billy’s expression grew thoughtful. “I can do that.”

She rolled her eyes again. “Omigod stahhhp.”

He chuckled and shrugged. “Makes sense to me.”

“Well there’s a big surprise, Ranger Parrish.” She continued on:

It’s hot as balls here and I’ve got sand in places no one fucking wants sand. Otherwise, everything’s good. Keeping busy and doing the job. Looks like we’re still on track for getting home before Thanksgiving. Fingers crossed. I’m glad you’re excited about your new job, Shayna. You deserve it. After everything.

A stinging sensation unexpectedly burned against the backs of Shay’s eyes. With those two words, Ryan had said so freaking much. More than they hardly ever even broached, as if talking about Dylan—and her role in his death—was a poison that neither of them wanted to drink. She blinked fast to force the threatening tears away as she read the rest.

Kick ass. Take names. And get up the next day and do it all again. Just, next time, don’t make me think of real burgers and fries, crotchfruit. All we have is mystery meat you know.

Take care, Shay. More soon. It’s good to hear from you when I’m over here so stay in touch. Ry

Not even the awesomeness of crotchfruit could fully chase away the impact of After everything. Shayna filled her water glass again and took a big drink just to have something else to focus on.

Finished with his dinner, Billy came around to the sink to rinse his plate and the knife she’d used to cut his sandwich.

Then they stood there. Facing each other. An arm’s reach apart. Just looking.

And, for her, once again wanting…

Obviously, the desire was all on her side. But she’d been there, done that, and had the sexual frustration to prove it.

And the last thing she wanted was for it to get weird between them again. Despite how good she’d been feeling just minutes before, she felt fragile now. Vulnerable. She couldn’t handle weird. Or another rejection.

So Shayna stepped away, using the excuse of dumping out the rest of her water and putting the glass in the dishwasher. “What are you up to this weekend?” she asked, needing something to break the weighted silence between them.

“Uh…” He raked his hands through the sexy mess of his dark blond hair, causing one piece in the front to stick up at a comical angle. “Just the gym tomorrow, I guess.”

She bit back a smile. And crossed her arms so she wasn’t tempted to fix his hair. “Oh, yeah? Do you like your place? Is it nice?” she asked.