As I will do with you and our child. Your father did the best he could, but he was not drakoni. Nor was he Queen's Guard. Our child will have the best of all guardians…me.

I stifle a snort of amusement into my cookie.

Sasha glances over at me. She's been a polite, if distant, host, her head no doubt filled with conversations on her mate's end and taking care of her baby. She's got some incredible snacks, though. Cookies makes her top class in my book, and to add on to that, her water tastes clean and pleasant. She smiles over at me and steals a cookie from the plate in-between us. "Sorry if I've been a little distracted today."

"I'm sorry we dropped in unannounced."

"It wasn't unannounced with Luminoura," Sasha admits, watching as the baby feeds at her breast. "She told Dakh all about it."

"Not you?"

A wistful look crosses Sasha's lovely face. "I can't hear her thoughts. Only the drakoni can." She brushes a pinky over her daughter's cheek and gives her a loving smile. "I'm going to have to wait a bit longer to say hello."

"Oh. I didn't realize." How strange and isolating it must feel to be the mother of a baby and to be the one to feed her, and yet be cut out of the communication chain.

"It was strange at first," Sasha admits. She takes another bite of cookie and then sets it down, switching her daughter to her other breast. "I was actually really jealous of Dakh, because here we've made this little person, and she's apparently already talking her head off to her father, and I can't hear a thing. Dakh shares the conversations with me and opens his mind so I can feel them, too, but it's not quite the same."

"I see." In her place, I imagine I'd be jealous too. Resentful, even. It's not something you'd think about, and then to find out everyone's talking except you? It has to feel strange.

"In a way, though, I'm glad they have the bond," Sasha says, glancing up at her dragon with affection. Dakh has remained utterly silent and watchful, and I don't think he likes our presence much.

I do not think Dakh likes anything much…except his mate and child, Mhal offers.

"Does Mhal…struggle?" Sasha's question is delicate, her gaze open as she looks from me and over to Mhal. "With the madness? I've heard that some of the drakoni are more settled now that the children are constantly in their heads. Dakh has been more in his own mind since Luminoura arrived, as well. Her presence soothes him in ways that I can't."

I do not struggle, Mhal tells me in that haughty tone of his.

I just hold his hand in mine and don't comment. Seems wiser.

Sasha fusses over her daughter for a little longer. Once the baby has finished eating, she stands up and paces, rubbing Luminoura's back as she burps her. "Did you come up with her name?" I ask, watching the mother with her child.

"Oh no," Sasha says, smiling. "She came out and declared her name to the world. I think they all will. The drakoni are born with their names, too. I think. Dakh says he has always been Dakh. That once he was “more” than just Dakh, but now he's just…Dakh." Her smile becomes apologetic. "I'm sure that doesn't make any sense."

It does to me, Mhal says, thoughtful. All I can remember of my name is Mhal, but it also seems strange to have such a short, insulting name and yet I am Queen's Guard. Those with small names are small presences in my world. I think my name was once longer, but I no longer have all of it.

Another piece that's been lost since you came through?

Perhaps, Mhal muses. Perhaps the rest will come back someday. Perhaps not. Perhaps the rest will be given to our daughter.

Are we having one, then? I tap his hand with my fingertip. Is it decided?

Nothing is decided, he tells me, his tone mollifying. I just know my thoughts on the subject. It is your body. I will honor your wishes, whatever they will be.

"Did you guys have more questions for us?" Sasha asks in a quiet voice, her hand moving up and down Luminoura's back in a gentle caress.

I turn to Mhal.

Can I hold the baby again? he asks.

I fight back a smile. "Mhal wants to know if he can hold Luminoura again."

"She's probably just going to sleep," Sasha warns, even as she steps forward with the blanket-wrapped infant. "And she's a drooler."

I pass this on to Mhal, who absolutely does not care. He takes the infant with an expression of joy on his face and rests her on his shoulder just like Sasha did. Sure enough, the baby goes to sleep, her mouth open (and drooling) on my mate's shoulder. And…okay. It does punch me right in the ovaries. He'd be a great dad.