I…think I still would. I don't know if it's selfish to bring a child into this kind of world, but I would love the hell out of any baby I had, and I know Mhal would, too. He's attentive and caring toward me, always so careful and thoughtful of what I might like. Even when he's “lost” in himself, he recognizes my scent. He's getting better, too. Even when he's in battle-form, the chaos in his mind is not nearly as bad as it was.

I would give you children, he tells me, his thoughts hot and possessive. There would be no greater joy for me, now that I have you.

I smile over at him and slide my hand into his, our fingers intertwining.

Rachel leans forward slightly in her chair. "This is probably a good time for me to ask if you're pregnant already."

I blink at her. I've been so distracted by Mhal and thoughts of babies that I've forgotten our conversation. "Me? No…I don't think so."

"But you're not sure?" Rachel gives me a curious look.

"I've never been regular," I admit. "You know that. Any bit of stress will cause me to skip a month or two."

"Right. I remember now." She drums her fingers on the arms of the chair. "Me and Manda were synched up but you never were. Hmm. Does Mhal say if your scent has changed any recently? If you're pregnant, he'll be able to sniff it out before you will."

I straighten in my seat, squeezing his hand tighter. "You're asking me?"

"Well, I can't ask Mhal, Jenny. Drakoni only talk to their mate or other drakoni, and Mhal won't talk to Jurik at all." She gives me a tight smile. "You can tell him that Jurik isn't here because of Azar, and no one's going to take over his mind."

I don't tell him anything. "If he doesn't want to talk to Jurik, that's his right. I don't blame him for not trusting anyone." I shake my head. "I know you trust Jurik with your life, and I'd trust you with mine, but you have to understand Mhal's position, too. You guys still live at the fort."

There's a sense of wonder and pride that comes through Mhal's thoughts. He's listening in to my conversation with Rachel, and he likes that I'm refusing to pass things along. You are defending me. You are a fine, fierce mate indeed.

Of course I'm defending you. You belong to me and me to you, remember?

"Okay, well, can you ask him if you're pregnant? Take Jurik and me out of it." She studies me. "Your face is fuller, but I can't decide if it's because you're carrying or if you just stopped giving all your meals away to ingrates."

Rachel's always been a little blunt, but hearing that makes me blush. "They're not ingrates. Bethany just has a difficult situation."

"A difficult situation that she chose, by the way. And one she keeps choosing. A husband who likes the gambling at the cantina more than feeding his family. Her choices do not make it your problem."

Your friend is right, Mhal tells me. I do not like that you gave away all your meals. Why else put yourself under the Salorian's thumb if not for food and safety?

Not you, too!

I will always be in favor of you getting fed, Mhal tells me. He loops his arm around my shoulders protectively and pulls me against him, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as a quiet apology. If you ever see this other female again, you will not give her your meals. I will hunt for her if needed, but your belly will be filled first.

Fine, fine, I grumble. Do I need to ask you if I'm pregnant, then?

You are not. I would know if you were. Your scent would change.

That's what Rachel said. I shoot a glance over at my friend. "Not pregnant."

Her expression brightens. "Want to be?"


"This is an awkward ask for a friend, but…I need you to get pregnant." Rachel grimaces. "Actually, I require it. We all do."



I'm not entirely sure I hear her correctly. "I'm sorry…what?"

"You need to have a baby." Rachel gestures at us. "You and Mhal. And we need you to come back to the fort."

"You can't ask us that," I bluster, shocked she would even bring up such a thing.

"Which part? The fort part or the baby part? I guess the fort part is a little selfish of me. I want you back because I miss your company and I think you'd be safe there."

Is she trying to change the subject? I'm so confused at all she's throwing at us. Go back to the fort…because she wants us there? I reach out and grab Mhal's hand. "Did the Salorian—Lord Azar—did he leave the fort?"

Rachel lets out a little sigh. "So you figured out he's a Salorian? I guess that's a given, considering how he enslaved Mhal and all. No, he's still there. Unfortunately, I think we're stuck with his sorry ass." She waves a hand. "But he won't be a problem for you guys."