He gives us a crisp nod. "Of course. Let me show you the way. I'm told that Azar has recruited you to be part of his special task force?" He marches off, leading us toward the far end of the barracks.

I nearly stumble. We're what? His special task force? Did Daniels not see us confront Azar last night? When we demanded concessions?

He has posed it all as his idea, Mhal says. We should have guessed. He will make it all seem as if it is part of his grand plan—letting them marry, sending the enslaved drakoni away. All of it will be to his credit. He will make sure of that. Mhal sounds disgusted. We should have made our demands publicly.

It's all right. Now that I've had a moment to think on it, I don't care. As long as we get our wishes, let him do what he wants. Let him tell them whatever. He knows the moment he breaks the rules we'll be gone and then he'll have to answer as to why no one listens to him. If it helps him hold onto the fort to let everyone think the changes were his idea, that's fine.

You are a far kinder sort than I am, Mhal grumbles.

Not kinder, I point out. Just a bit more selfish than most. The After has taught me that people want someone else to be in charge, and I absolutely do not want to be that person. If Azar does, let him freaking have it.

Manda greets me with a happy squeal, throwing her arms around my neck. Quickly, she realizes Mhal's presence a step behind me and backs away, confusion on her face. "Are you…is everything good?" She has a question in her eyes. "Are we happy?"

Aw. In a way, it's sweet of Manda to ask like this. I know what she's thinking—do I need to get Lucas to step in and take you away from the big scary dragon-man? But it's laughable, because Daniels can't do a thing to Mhal. Hell, Daniels didn't lift a finger when Azar slapped Manda, and I know Mhal wouldn't stand for anyone to touch me.

I feel guilty a moment later. We all survive however we can. I shouldn't hate on Daniels for not confronting the entire fort over Manda and risking both their lives. Manda seems happy at least. Her face glows with pleasure and she sits amidst a pile of home goods in their small room. She's making a home for them, and I realize this is all that Manda's ever wanted—a home and the man she loves.

In a way, that's all I want, too. I think about our dream of the farm, and the garden, and living a life of quiet with our children.

We will get there, Mhal promises me. This is all temporary.

I send back a wave of emotion, thanking him for his support. I love him so much. I know he thinks that I'm the one supporting him and keeping him calm, but he's there for me just as much as I am for him. We need each other to stay sane in this world.

"We're great," I tell Manda, beaming at her. "Very happy. So what's with all this stuff?"

Manda gestures happily. "Since we got married quarters, Melina insisted on having us kitted out. Isn't this amazing? She's such a good lady of the fort. I bet she convinced Azar to let us marry."

"I bet," I echo, smiling. "How is everything? What did I miss?"

My friend goes on about the meeting Azar had with the militia late last night, and how he wanted to move the fort “forward into the future” with their help. How Melina was at his side the whole time, showing her support. I have to admit, it's very clever of Azar to act like they're all a big team, him and the militia, when I know he doesn't give a shit about them. I wasn't sure what to think about Melina, but I'm going to have to mentally move her to “Azar's team” in my head. She's not with us. She's with him.

I don't know how anybody can be with him, but maybe this is her way of survival, too.

Manda tells me about how he took the militia with him after the meeting, so they could watch him free the captive dragons. The women in the program were outside, too, even though it was late at night. Another one of Azar's maneuvers, it seems. "And two of the dragons flew down and gently scooped up Trista and Cady, just like they were the most fragile things they'd ever seen. Not one attacked anyone. They all just flew off quietly into the stars. It was beautiful." She sighs. "Azar's a romantic with Melina at his side, I think. He said he sensed their love for the women and that was why he had to let them go."