How will they do that? I ask. They are just children.

You should meet Sallavatri or Luminoura. They will show you. His thoughts are easy. We do not seek to lure you back to the human hive for bad reasons. Rachel wants her friend nearby so they can support each other. She cares for your mate and thinks of her as family.

I look over at Jenny, who watches me with an anxious expression on her face. She searches my features, looking for a reason to step in and protect me, and her mind flickers at the edge of mine, a silent reminder that she is there for me, as protective of me as I am of her.

I send her a silent burst of affection. My fires.

Is everything okay?

I am speaking with Jurik. Things are as they say. There is something evil in the Rift and they wish for us to make a child to protect this world. The infants are born with strong mental powers, and they believe that if we have enough of them, they will be able to stop what is trying to come through the Rift, the thing that reaches out into our dreams.

Already our child tries to protect Rachel in her dreams, Jurik adds, listening in on the fringes of my thoughts. A child would do that for your mate, as well.

The thought of being able to protect Jenny even more is an alluring one, as alluring as the idea of making a child with her, of having a family. But not if it is just a tool to be used. The Salorian thought I was a tool and treated me as if I was nothing. I would not force a child into such a life.

Your scars, Jurik points out. You were a warrior back in our world?

I was Queen's Guard, I tell him. I do not remember much, but in my mind, the title is associated with great honor…honor that has been stripped from me now that I let a Salorian into my head. I do not wish to speak of it, I tell him, and snap my thoughts shut, pushing him out.

Jurik blinks, the only outward sign that he has acknowledged my dismissal. He turns to his mate, the air heavy with their silent communication.

Everything all right? my mate asks me. Jenny's thoughts are tinged with fierceness. Do I need to kick butts?

It is fine. I am done speaking to him for now. I look down my nose at the small group, then get to my feet and walk away. I keep my thoughts touching my mate's, though, letting her know that I am pleased with her, but I am done sitting with her friends. Their scents are permeating our nest, and Jurik's thoughts are open and bare, as if waiting for me to speak with him again.

I do not want to. A Queen's Guard does not…well, I do not know. But he is not my equal, and I do not like him telling me what I should or should not do.

I will decide for myself, not because it is pushed upon me.

The females talk for a while longer, Jenny's distracted thoughts drifting in and out of my mind. She is happy to see her friend and asks many questions about the baby. She asks about another friend back at the hive, and all the while, she plots to make clothes for her friend's baby with the scraps she has. She gives Jurik's mate one of her colorful cloaks, and both females make loud, happy noises over the colors.

Jenny likes being with her. Her happiness wars with the confusion and worry she has over the news that Jurik's mate brought.

Enjoy this moment, I tell my mate. We will think on other things later. For now, be with your friend.

So they talk and drink the flavored water that my mate prefers, and Jenny shoves a bunch of scavenged things into a pack and insists that her friend take them back with her. I am amused at her efforts -- Jenny loves to take care of those she cares for, even if it means sending all of our plastic mugs back with her friend.

We can get more, Jenny tells me on a cheery note. It makes her happy to care for her friend, and so it fills me with pleasure, as well. They leave, with Jurik sending a mental touch of farewell to me, with an open note to it. If I reach out again and he is in range, he will welcome communication.

I suppose that is kind of him, even if he is not Queen's Guard, and therefore not my equal.

Jenny moves to my side and I hold her close as we watch Jurik shift into his battle-form and delicately maneuvers his mate onto the seat strapped between his shoulder blades. She is ungainly with the child in her belly, but she manages to get up and fusses with more straps while Jurik waits patiently.