"Of course not." I throw my arms around his neck and bring him down for a happy kiss. "Thank you, Mhal."

His mind is all grumbly, which I find adorable. I will tell them to land.



I kiss Mhal again, tugging on his lower lip and sending him a mental promise for later. Then, I put a hand to my hair and try to straighten it, along with my clothing. Normally I pull my hair into a messy knot so the wind won't make it look like a tumbleweed, but I want to look nice if we're greeting my friends. I think about food and drink to offer them, like we're hosting a dinner party. I have some water I boiled and skimmed that's left over. It's not the greatest water, but we also found some old tea bags and those hide the majority of the flavor. All of our extra food is gone, though. I have a few scraps of meat I was going to eat for lunch, but maybe I should share those instead.

No, Mhal says firmly. Eat them right now. They would not want you to give away your meal.

I stick my tongue out at his bossy tone, but he crosses his arms over his chest. I know that look. That look tells me he's not going to budge until I do as he asks. With a frustrated sigh, I get up, move into the “love shack” as I've dubbed it, and shove a dried chunk of meat into my mouth, chewing.

And water, he demands, pointing at our pitcher of tea.

I make a face at him but I wash the meat down with the tea, eating and drinking as I glare (lovingly) at my intractable mate. You are so stubborn, I send between bites.

I know. I have to be when it comes to you. You do not take care of yourself. You put others’ needs in front of you.

Do not.

He immediately plucks a mental image of Bethany and her son out of my head. Do you think I did not feel when you were hungry? When you gave these two your food and they were not grateful?

They were grateful! I chew angrily. How do you know they weren’t?

Because it is in your head. You gave away your food and your hard work on your clothes because you were lost and alone. You needed to matter to someone. You wanted a new family. None of that is necessary now, because you have me. He moves to my side and tips my chin up with a finger, even as I chew the dry meat and glare at him. And I will never steal a meal away from you.

You've got it all wrong.

I do not, he says, and we both know he's telling the truth.

Arguments with mind readers suck. I continue to chew, watching as the other dragon floats closer, his wings fluttering. He's not nearly as scarred as Mhal, and I decide I like my dragon better. He looks far more dangerous. Like he's seen some shit go down and came out the other side.

I am glad you approve of my scars, Mhal tells me with that haughty, amused tone of his. Seeing as how your mouth is on them every night.

Are you complaining? I retort as I guzzle down some tea to wash away the last of the meat.

Never. I like your mouth all over me. If anything, I am encouraging.

It's another reason why you can't win an argument with a mind reader—they turn everything to sex.

Mhal's thoughts fill with amusement, and then he neatly steps in front of me, blocking my view out of our love shack. Stay behind me until we know they're safe.

Of course they're safe. They're my friends. I lick my fingers.

Your friends who willingly live under the hand of the Salorian.

Your queen did, too, I might add. His thoughts flare with anger, and then betrayal, and I realize I've hurt his feelings. I reach out a hand to touch him from behind, even as he stands protectively in front of me. I didn't mean it like that.

I know. I can feel it in your thoughts. It is all right.

I wrap my arms around his waist, settling my cheek against his back. When they leave, I'll make it up to you.

Shall I tell them to leave now? Mhal asks. At the flare of panic in my thoughts, he lets me feel his amusement. Now he is just teasing me. I only joke, my fires. They are arriving. Speak with them, if you must, and then I will chase them away from our nest for good.

I peek out from behind his back as someone knocks on the sketchy walls of our shack. "Hello in there," a familiar voice calls out. It's Rachel, and my heart soars with affection. "Can we come in? It's a little windy out here!"