Mhal groans, a trickle of smoke coming from his nostrils. That's an encouraging sign. Sometimes he lets out wisps of smoke when we're in bed together, because breathing fire is a pleasure for him, and I guess the two are intermingled in his mind.

I lick him again, and this time I taste wetness. To my surprise, his pre-cum is sweet and slightly spicy, almost like cinnamon. I've always heard stories about how men's sperm tastes like bleach or is unpleasant, but this is anything but. I make a noise of happiness in my throat and lick him again. No one told me this tastes good.

Should I have offered it earlier? His hand—both of them now shorn of claws so he can touch me freely—clenches at my hair. When I lift my head, he drags me right back down to his cock. More, Jenny. I need more.

Mhal so rarely demands anything that hearing his request sends pleasure rushing through me. Enthusiastic, I tongue him and lick the head of his cock, teasing him all over. When my mind starts to fill with images of me taking him deep into my mouth, I get the hint and do as he asks. I like that he's leading me toward what he wants. It feels less like a command and more like a roadmap to understanding what he needs and I follow his instructions eagerly.

Or I try to.

He's a big guy, my Mhal, and his large cock isn't the easiest mouthful. I try adding more saliva, but I can only relax my jaw so far. Mhal grunts at my attempts, his thoughts still hazy with pleasure. Can I push?

Just…be careful? He's already so big I don't know what taking more will do. You might scrape my teeth.

I do not care about your teeth. They cannot hurt me. Your mouth feels too good, my fires. Use them if you must.

I whimper, my jaw flexing as I try to take him. His hand strokes my face, a silent encouragement, and I send a tendril of thought toward him, of him gently pumping into my mouth, pushing his cock deeper. He groans, and thrusts upward, deeper into my mouth.

I choke in surprise, pulling back at the sensation of his cock butting against the back of my throat. I pull free, coughing a little, pressing the back of a hand to my mouth.

Mhal's thoughts are threaded with worry. Too much?

No, just startling. I want to try it again. I lick his cock again, messily. He's wet from my mouth and from his own need, and I pull him into my mouth and work him, bobbing my head, as I slowly take him deeper. My teeth scrape against him once and I jerk, waiting for the flare of pain from him, but his skin is tough, even in this form; he doesn't react.

Instead, he just pushes deeper. Your mouth is so good, my fires.

This time, when he hits the back of my throat, I'm expecting it. I manage to remain loose and open, though I can't really suck on him like this. He needs to do all the moving. Reading my mind, Mhal begins to shuttle into my mouth, using me, his hand in my hair. And maybe it's wrong of me, but I find it incredibly sexy that he's using my face to pleasure himself.

Nothing is wrong between us, he sends strongly, even as I feel the heat of him spurt down my throat. Nothing.

As he comes, it's like a wash of heat straight into my belly. His thoughts flare bright like a supernova, and I moan as he slips free from my mouth, leaving me with the taste of him. I follow him as he collapses onto the mattress, licking and teasing his cock even as his mind blazes with his orgasm. I love sharing minds like that, because Mhal made no sound other than the quickening of his breath, and yet I felt how intense his pleasure was.

I felt it like it was my orgasm.

It's something I never thought about when they told me I'd have to mate a dragon. That we'd form a bond. I just thought it'd be some…friendship, I guess. I wasn't able to comprehend just how much of my life would change once Mhal became mine. Shared orgasms were never even on the list.

It's no wonder he loves to go down on me.

I brush my lips over his warm, delicious skin. Did you like it?

You know I did. You can feel my thoughts. There's a low, hazy pleasure flooding his mind, and when he gazes down at me with slitted eyes, I see nothing but gold.

Maybe I just like hearing it?

I liked it. Do you like it when I lick your cunt?

Always. I squeeze my thighs tightly together, because my pulse is throbbing between them. I'm wet and achy, but I know he won't leave me like that.