He snorts, pure arrogance leaking through his thoughts. My mate, of course.

And what's my name?

I do not need your name when your thoughts are connected to mine.

Uh huh. Time to come home, I tell him. Wrap it up. Get your longhorn and come back to me. I glance over at the bug's spot on the railing, but it's gone now. I wonder if I imagined the entire thing.

I will return soon enough. This creature will make a hearty meal for you, and you are too thin.

You're playing with your food, I counter. Wouldn't you rather play with your mate? And because sex is the best way to bring Mhal back to me, I slide a hand into my pants and touch my clit.

A moment later, I'm rewarded with the mental image of Mhal grabbing the longhorn in his claws, breaking the neck of the poor thing, and then flying back in my direction with his kill.

The guy's all business the moment a little sex is involved, and I smile to myself at the thought.

It's over dinner that Mhal drops another odd bombshell on me.

I hear others sometimes, you know, my dragon casually states as I pick at a rib full of seared meat. We found some spices in one of the food booths, and I've discovered that spicing the heck out of my near-constant meat diet helps ease the fervent wish for a vegetable or two.

"What others?" I ask, setting down my food with a frown. "Who's talking to you? Is it Azar?"

Mhal looks down his long nose at me. If it was him, I would not answer.

"Then who?"

The children. He shrugs.

I stare at him. "What children?"

Sallavatri and Luminoura. They are very loud for two so young. He looks pleased. They have strong names. Soon there will be others, too.

Others talking to you?

Other children. You do not hear them?

I shake my head. "All I hear is you."

Hmm. Because you are human. Sometimes I forget. You are far more appealing than the other humans.

If I had a napkin, I'd throw it at him for that remark. "What do they say to you?" I ask, curious about the children. I don't know of anyone that has children by those names.

They tell me they are hungry.

A chill sweeps over me. That sounds like something out of a horror movie. Children calling in his mind, telling him that they're hungry?

I will not answer if you do not like it.

"I don't think I like it, no." It worries me more than the bugs. "Can you push them out of your thoughts?"

Of course. I will push them away like the other drakoni that demand that I return to the fort. He slides closer to me, pushing aside my food and pulling me into his arms. Are you done eating?

I can't help but smile at that. "For now."

Good. Your mate wants to taste you. He nips at my jaw.

"Are you changing the topic on me?"

No. I mean it. I will not talk to the children if it bothers you. Just like I do not talk to the others. I need no one but you. His thoughts are totally sincere, and I know he means it. I know the others—Rachel's dragon-man and Gwen's—have reached out to him since we left. I've felt him cut them off in his head, his mind full of displeasure at their demands. If he's not worried about it, I guess I won't be either.

Good. Now let us kiss.

I giggle as he pulls me into his arms. "So insatiable, my dragon."

Drakoni, he corrects. My people are drakoni.

"Drakoni, then.” I slide my arms around him and let him pull me into his lap, straddling him. “My insatiable drakoni."

Who would not be insatiable with a mate that tastes so good? He nips at my throat, his tongue grazing my skin. Let me lick your cunt. I want to make you come on my tongue. I want to feel you quiver against my lips.

I shiver at the thought, because I want that, too. "And then I make you come the same way?"

You want to? Hot pleasure rushes through his thoughts. It's not something normally done amongst his people, because after the female conquers another female, she is then conquered by the male. It's very ritualized and I'm starting to realize that humans are way, way more adventurous in the sack, even if the dragons are the ones with the never-ending stamina.

Not that I am complaining about his stamina. That'd be like whining about too many orgasms, and that's something no sane woman would ever complain about. I love that he's always excited about touching me, as if I'm giving him a great gift by letting him pleasure me, when I'm the one being gifted.

All this thinking about gifting makes me want to go down on him even more. I've never done it before, and the thought of taking him in my mouth is thrilling.