My mate lets out a little sigh and then her hips clench. She lifts herself up, just a little, and then lowers back down on me. Hot sensation floods through both of our minds, and my hands go to her hips. The next time she moves, I assist, increasing the friction between our bodies. When Jenny chokes out my name, it makes me move harder, faster.

I want her to make more of those sounds.

My mate works over my cock, riding me with little bounces as she grips my shoulder. I keep my hands locked on her hips, forcing her down harder, forcing our bodies together with each stroke, until she's crying out with need and my own pleasure is near overwhelming. I need her to come, though, and when she tilts her head back and her movements become desperate, I know she needs more. I remember what she likes, and I reach between us, seeking out her clit.

No sooner do I touch it than Jenny shudders over me, coming hard. Her cunt clenches around me, her walls tightening, and I thrust upward, desperate for my own release. When it comes, I press my face to her shoulder, pinning her down on my cock as I rock into her, filling her with my seed.

Having a mate is…intense.

Jenny touches my hair and cradles my face against her as we both pant, regaining our breath. I can feel her body twitching as she sits astride me, every reaction a little flick of pleasure in her still-sensitive body.

"You didn't bite me again?" There's a hint of worry in Jenny's thoughts. "Are you…okay? Did you come?"

I drag her hips up and down my length, reveling in how slick our joined bodies are with our mingled fluids. Feel that? I came. There is still a question in her mind, so I continue. I only bite to give you my fires. It will take some time before they fade, and I will only need to bite you again in the future, perhaps when we have young. I rub my lips against her soft throat. Did you like my bite?

"Not really," she admits, a note of apology in her thoughts. "But I wasn't sure if it needed to happen every time. I'm kinda glad that it doesn't."

I will have to make it more pleasurable next time, I promise her, scraping my teeth over her skin. I must make sure you are so lost with hunger that you will beg me for it. Until then, I will just practice. I stroke her buttock, nipping at her shoulder, and am pleased when she shivers and I feel it all down my cock. Lots and lots of practice.



Mhal's drowsy, sated thoughts roll through mine. It feels so strange to have someone else in my head, but I'm quickly becoming used to it. Sometimes he picks up on emotion instead of words, so it makes it difficult to lie or to hide things. It's definitely going to take some getting used to, but in a way, I like it. Mhal is exactly who he says he is. There is nothing he can hide from me, no secrets kept, because he would openly share anything that crossed his mind.

Which is nice, in a world like ours, where trust has gone out the door, and your fellow man only looks at you to see what you can do for him. Even when Mhal is not completely himself, he's still open with what he's feeling and sharing it with me.

Of course I will share it, he tells me, mouth skimming over my skin in lazy movements. It feels so good to connect with you after being alone in the darkness for so long. Why would I wish to hide away again?

Alone in the darkness. I guess it would feel like that if you were cut off from your people, who speak telepathically. There are other dragons here, but if they're just as confused and lost as he is…no wonder he feels alone.

Not alone. I have you.

I wrap my arms around him, grinning at that. It feels weird to think that I was so skittish about “mating” a dragon just yesterday. Today it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Funny how things can change in twenty-four hours. I can only imagine what the next twenty-four will bring.

More mating, hopefully.

I laugh, because his thoughts are so blatant. I have to admit I'm looking forward to more mating, too. Maybe not right now, when I'm still twitching with the aftermath of my orgasm, but if every time we get together is like this…I'm not going to protest about having lots of sex, and often.

My stomach growls, and we both go still.

Hungry? Mhal asks, his thoughts darkening. I have not taken care of you properly, have I? I am a bad mate. Of course you are hungry. Are you thirsty, too? I must get you fed. His mind flurries with a barrage of things that need to be done, and how he has neglected me for his own shameful needs. He jerks under me, determined to get up so he can shift forms and go hunting.