It is all right. Where should I land? He projects a view of the world below us into my head, just in case I can't see what he sees. You decide.

I point to a clear area that looks like an old pavilion, with plenty of room for him to land without crushing anything. "That's as good a spot as any." I pet his scales again as he circles lower. "Thank you, Mhal."

Is…that my name? It does not feel familiar.

"It is. I promise."

Interesting. It is very…short. His thoughts are full of dismay.

"It's not an insult. That is just the part you remember. I'm sure the full name is excessively long and proud." And then I blush, because saying that automatically makes me think of other parts of him that are excessively long and proud.

His mind fills with pleasure. You like my body? Good. I like yours, too.

Annnnd this is the awkward part of sharing brain-space with a dragon. Mhal has very few boundaries, no matter his form. He doesn't care if he makes me feel shy or not. He just says it and reads my reactions.

What is wrong with that?

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

You say that but your thoughts indicate otherwise. His mind floods with amusement. I did not speak of how pretty or tasty I found your cunt. Or how much I enjoyed the noises you made. Would you rather me not speak at all?

Oh sure, he remembers that. Figures. "Let's just set down," I tell him, blushing. "And once we do, will you change back for me?"

Of course. I am eager to mate again.

So direct. Dang. Of course, I'm kind of eager, too. Just thinking about all of that mind-blowing sensation and how he touched me, how focused he was on my pleasure, yeah…I'm definitely ready to mate again, too. Is this what it's like to be mated to a dragon? A constant hunger for more intense sex mixed with the awkwardness of sharing your every thought? I suddenly wish Rachel was here to ask. Rachel doesn't seem like the type to get shy, though. She was born giving no fucks, or so it always seemed to me.

There is no need to be shy around me. Mhal lands gently on the ground, and despite his enormous form, makes no more than a light thump as his feet touch the concrete. We are bonded. What is there to be shy about?

Plenty, I'm sure. But I come from a world where no one trusts anyone any longer. To share minds with someone—even a dragon—feels raw and more open than I can express.

I see. He uncurls his claws, releasing me, and I delicately place my feet on the concrete. It's warmer here, away from the constantly tearing wind, and I let out a sigh of relief even as I rub my arms. It feels strange to stand, completely naked, in the center of a cluster of buildings. This part of the amusement park was meant to look like an old-fashioned street, and I can't help but wonder if someone's inside one of the buildings, looking out at us and wondering why a crazy naked lady is with a dragon.

No one is around, Mhal tells me. I scent no one but you on the air. This area has been long abandoned. Does that make you feel better? His big head pushes against me, nudging me with his snout. I would not take you someplace that is not safe.

I look around, then nod. "If you're sure, I'll try not to panic too much about being naked, though my sunburn is going to be heinous if we don't figure out something to wear soon." I glance over my shoulder and smile up at his draconic form. I'm getting used to his enormous size so it doesn't alarm me when I see his gigantic head looming over me. His eyes are mostly gold, so I'm going to take that as a good sign and run with it. "Are you going to change now?"

The big head lowers and he rubs his muzzle against my hair. Change?

"Into your…other form?" I try to phrase it delicately since he doesn't like being referred to as human.

Ah yes. You are eager for mating, are you not? The big head rubs against my hair one last time and then disappears, the air feeling hollow behind me. Before I can turn, warm arms wrap around my waist and then I'm pulled back against Mhal's human form. He holds me close, licking my shoulder, and then presses his cock against my backside. I am just as eager as you.



My mate always acts ever-so-slightly surprised when I touch her, as if she is not expecting my caresses. I find this fascinating. She is soft all over, her scent delicate and intriguing. Why would I deprive myself of touching her? I enjoy it. I love nothing more than her arousal scent. I want it filling my senses, always.