That I do feel her, faint but growing stronger.

That I am no longer alone in this nightmare world. I have my mate at my side.




I wake up, disoriented, and open my eyes. At least…I thought it was noisy? I was sleeping—no dreams, oddly enough—but there was a constant voice in my ear, loud and insistent, and it's what woke me up. But when I open my eyes, I see Mhal leaning over me, and the old warehouse is utterly silent.

In fact, it's so quiet I can hear water dripping somewhere.

I blink up at him, and Mhal smiles. The expression is somewhat feral, but I'm pleased to see that his fangs are normal-sized once more, not the massive, terrifying saber-tooth-like monsters they were when he bit me. His smile is surprisingly charming for a mouth full of fangs—the tip of one is broken off, giving him a bit of a roguish look.

Finally, booms that voice in my head. You are awake. Good. We will mate now.

I lift a finger, licking my dry lips. "I'm sorry, one moment. What did you say?"

My cock aches for you, Jen-nee. I ache for you. Let us mate and I will give you my seed. His shorn claws dance lightly over my skin, and he traces my lips. I want you to smell like me.

Well, that is definitely a strong sort of greeting. "Hello to you, too. How are we talking if your lips aren't moving?"

Our minds are connected.

I stare at his lips, because they really are quite amazing lips. Thin lips, yes, but perfectly sculpted lips, too. Lips that aren't moving when he speaks. It takes me a moment to grasp this, because it's so absurd to see and experience. The mental bond, he says. Right. The thing I've been trying to establish with him.

You want my lips to move? He gives me an utterly arrogant look that seems familiar, even though his face is new to me. This will make you somehow believe that I am speaking to you? How long do they need to move for? He pulls my hand up to his mouth and rubs his lips on my skin. Will this do?

"That's…pretty good." My voice cracks with nervousness.

Why are you nervous? I will be gentle. Can we mate now?

"You're really forward, you know that?"

I know what I want. You wanted a mental bond with me, yes? I can feel it in your thoughts. Our bond will fade if we do not mate. It will grow weaker by the day and then I will be lost again. His thoughts—as loud as my own—suddenly darken. I would not like that.

I wouldn't like it, either. I stare up at Mhal, fascinated. I can see his face, so I know I'm not dreaming. His lean, arrogant features, with a tiny scar under one nostril and another on his brow. The high cheekbones and deep-set, expressive golden eyes. "I'm open to mating, for the record. I just…I haven't done it before. If I seem a little reluctant, that's why. It's not you."

I know this.

So smug. "Oh, well, I'm glad we got that all out on the table," I say sarcastically, and wiggle my way out of his lap.

Or at least, I try to. Mhal locks a hand around my waist and doesn't let me go. It turns into an impromptu wrestling session—on my side, anyhow. The more I try to get away, the more Mhal holds onto me, and I can feel his amusement leaking through my mind. He thinks my antics are funny. That my attempts to get away are silly fun. I'm glad one of us is having fun, then, and roll over to try to get out of his grasp.

Immediately, his thoughts flare with arousal the moment he sees my backside. The feel of it in his mind—and in my mind—is so overwhelming that I gasp. His need feels like my need, too. I can feel just how hungry he is for me, and how much he wants to touch me, and it arouses me, too.

A moment later, Mhal's big body covers mine. I press to the concrete floor, his heavier weight pushing me down as I continue the farce of trying to escape. Mhal plants a big hand next to my shoulder, and his legs pin mine to the floor. He leans in and brushes his mouth against my shoulder, licking my bare skin, and I shudder with hunger.

You think I am arrogant? Perhaps I am. He's amused at my reactions. I believe in speaking plainly. You are my mate. I want you. I do not care if you are nervous. I ache to sink inside you and fill you with my cock. His teeth nip at my skin, and I bite back a moan. You can be nervous, as long as you are not afraid of me.