"You have no idea, do you?"

The shadows concealing him shift, and I see a big golden hand reaching for me. Instead of fingernails, he's got black claws. It should be terrifying, but instead, I find him fascinating. After all, this is a dream. He can't hurt me…and I don't think he wants to. I touch his hand, and it's just as warm as I imagined. I like that warmth, too. I bring his hand to my face, letting him touch my cheek.

I suppose I can be Mhal. For you.

I smile into the darkness. He's there, I can sense. I can make out a form, but not a head. It's frustrating, because I want to look at him. "Why can't I see your face?"

It is your dream, not mine. You tell me.

"No need to be so grumpy. I'm just trying to talk to you."

I have been trying to talk to you for hours. You are a frustrating female because you do not listen. Mhal sounds irritated at me.

"You have?" How did I miss that? I've been humming for what feels like hours, trying to get a lullaby to make us both drift off to sleep. I must have dozed in my humming. "You've never said a word to me."

I have said plenty. You are just not listening.

I frown up at his shadowy figure. He's golden and bare, and in a way it reminds me of Rachel's dragon-man. Surely I'm not dreaming about him, am I? That'd be fucked up.

The clawed hand grabs my chin, turning me toward him. It is Mhal that holds you. Mhal that is in your dreams. Not another. Now he sounds offended again.

"I'm sorry. I just…" I reach up. "If I could see your face…"

He's still covered in shadow, but when I reach into the darkness, I can feel a face against my fingers. Warm and strong and solid. I skim my fingertips over his skin, learning him.

I think you are using this as an excuse to touch me. His tone goes from irritated to playful, and he shifts under my touch. In the next moment, a warm mouth and fangs nip at my thumb. You wish to mate me, do you not? Admit it. There is no shame in it.

"W-what?" I pull away. "I'm just trying to figure out what you look like. That doesn't mean I want to fuck!" Talk about not reading the room.

What room? The one we are trapped in?

"Are you listening in on my head?"

Of course. How else do you think we are talking? We are connected while you sleep. You are too stubborn when awake to talk to me.

I frown to myself, because he keeps saying that. As if I'd somehow ignore him? He's a dragon. They're impossible to ignore.

This is truth. He takes my hand in his again. And yet you manage to do so in spectacular fashion. His teeth scrape at my hand again, and then he presses my palm to his cheek and breathes in deeply. I could drink your scent in for days, my Jenny.

Goosebumps prickle over my skin. I'm fascinated by his touch. It's been a long time since anyone's touched me. I didn't realize until this moment how much I needed my father's hugs and casual pats on the shoulder. Now, Mhal's touching me and it's reminded me that no one has touched me in any way since my father died.

I didn't know I missed it.

I am not your father. Mhal sounds offended.

"I know you're not. Just…this is making me realize I was lonely. I didn't know I was." I rub my thumb over his skin, skin that I can't see because dreams are stupid and they're holding him back from me. "I'm always surrounded by people, but I didn't realize it was possible to be lonely like that, and yet I am."

There is no need to feel alone. I am with you. You called me out of my slumber.

"Did I? How?"

Your dreams. You asked for help and I heard you. He nuzzles at my palm, and I realize he's rubbing his lips against my skin. It feels ticklish and arousing at the same time, and I don't think I could pull away even if I tried. You called for someone and I answered. Now we are mated.

"I feel like we skipped a step in there somewhere," I murmur.

We are bonded. I need you as much as you need me. His teeth lightly scrape against my skin again, and I gasp at the sensation, desperately wishing I could see it. It's like my dream is deliberately keeping all the good stuff from me.

"You need me?"

I do. I do not like to need anyone. Arrogance bleeds through his words. But when we are connected, my mind is clear. And I am able to push him away, if only for a time.