Page 96 of Oops, I've Fallen

“Okay, boss. Whatever you say.” I laugh at that. “Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get my assistant on the task of rescheduling.”

“Make it fucking happen, Miller.”

“Will do.”

Once we end the call, I send Kelly a quick email with all my flight details and tell her to reschedule the meeting with the Dolan team for around two in the afternoon. Wherever they want, I’ll be there.

She promptly responds with her understanding, and once I feel like all the right balls are set in motion, I slide my phone into my pocket and try to focus on what feels like my biggest priority of all—Carly.

Leaving tomorrow morning was not at all what I had planned.


Before Thomas called me, I’d planned to stick around another day or two so that Carly and I had time to actually talk and figure things out.

But since I’m leaving in the morning, I highly doubt that’s going to pan out.

Which is why I now have to start working on Plan B.

I’m not sure what Plan B is, but I’m hoping it includes either me flying out to Vail to see her or her visiting me in New York.

I know we now have a surprise wedding to attend on November 7th, but fuck, I just don’t see that as an ideal time. Plus, it’s an entire month away. That’s too damn long.

On a deep inhale and exhale, I turn on my heel, away from the front windows of the office, with the intention of going back into the exam room, but when I spot Carly standing outside of the entrance doors, I furrow my brow.

Are they done already?

But I don’t see Sal and Stella anywhere near her.

She’s on the phone and pacing back and forth on the sidewalk.

I walk out of the waiting room, through the entrance doors, and once I’m outside, she’s ending whatever call she was on.

“Hey,” I greet, but her response is lackluster at best.


“So…are they done in there?”

“Not sure.” She shrugs. “I had to come out and make a few work calls.”

“Everything going okay with the shop?”

“Yeah,” she answers and slides her phone back into the back pocket of her jean shorts. “Just need to get back there, is all. Got a flight out tomorrow.”

“Oh,” I respond, a little surprised she’s also leaving so soon, but I can’t really blame her. I mean, I’m in the same boat.

“I have to fly out tomorrow, too,” I state, and she starts nodding before I can finish explaining why.


Cool? What the fuck?

“Is everything okay?” I ask, and she nods again.

“Of course. Why?”

“I don’t know. You just seem…off. Distant.”

“I guess I just have a lot on my mind,” she answers, but it’s halfhearted at best. “I mean, Sal and Stella are fully recovered, and it’s time for us to get back to our real lives, you know?”

I don’t really know what to say to that.

I’d planned on asking her to meet up between now and the wedding, but she’s so distant right now that I can’t even get the words out.

It’s uncomfortable.

And heartbreaking.

“But I guess we’ll be back in a month, right?” she adds on a laugh that doesn’t feel genuine. “For the big wedding day.”

“Yeah.” I run a hand through my hair and take in the beauty that is Carly.

Even with her eyes looking sad and her lips pointing down at the corners, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

I want to reach out and touch her. Pull her into my arms. Fucking kiss her.

And I’m so close to doing just that, but when the entrance doors swing open and Sal and Stella come striding out like two people leading a parade, the opportunity is completely lost.

“We’re free!” Sal exclaims. “We’re free!”

Stella giggles.

And I stand there and watch as everyone, including Carly, heads to the Land Rover to leave.

Shit. This is not going how I wanted.

Once I find the strength to follow them, I make a mental note to try to talk to Carly before I leave in the morning.

There’s no way, after everything we’ve been through together and everything we’ve shared, we can leave Florida with things like this, right?

Fuck. I hope not.

October 14th, Wednesday


“I’m going to miss you so much!” my mom cries and wraps her arms around me tightly. “Are you sure you have to go?” she asks and tightens her death grip on my body.

“Mom, I’m going to miss you too, but you do realize that I’m going to see you in a month, right?”

She leans back to grin at me, and eventually, she releases me from her Thor-like hug. “In a month, I’m going to get married. Can you believe it?”

I shake my head. “No, not really.”

“I think Willow is still having a hard time with it.”

“She’s definitely happy for you, but I’m sure it’s a little weird for her because she’s never even met Sal. Plus, you just broke the news of the wedding to her yesterday. Pretty sure she just needs a little time to adjust.”