Page 64 of Oops, I've Fallen

“So, you’re not giving me the silent treatment anymore?”

Ryan smirks. “I wasn’t giving you the silent treatment.”

“Bullshit. You ignored me all morning.”

“You didn’t wake up until nine, Dad. And I was on a call.”

“Could’ve at least said good morning,” Sal grumbles, and Ryan reaches out to wrap his arm around his dad’s shoulder.

“Good afternoon, Dad. How’s your day?”

“Smartass,” Sal mutters, but he also chuckles. “And it was going good before you decided to show up and ruin my lunch with these two beautiful ladies.”

Ryan’s eyes meet mine. “They sure are something, aren’t they?”

His question urges goose bumps to slide up my arms, and the way his gaze brushes over my body does nothing to help me keep my horny libido in check.

Goodness. This man.

Ryan Miller is crazy-smart, handsome, charming, sexy, and fucks like a god. He’s the equivalent of the quiet type you never saw coming. A flipping trifecta of unexpected perfection.

Unbidden and unwelcome, thoughts of last night rush inside my head.

Ryan’s mouth on me. His cock sliding inside me. The way his blue eyes darkened with heat with each—

Fuck. I have to get it together. Now is not the time to drift off into la-la sex land while my mother rambles on and on to Ryan about the latest Sunny Creek gossip—the anonymous TP’er of Nan’s house.

When I realize my pussy is already throbbing and my nipples could cut glass beneath my bra, I decide to give myself a little mental break from the sexual prowess that’s now sitting across from me.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I say, clearing my throat and grabbing everyone’s attention at the table. “I’m going to head to the ladies’ room really quick.” Napkin on the table, I slide my chair out and make quick work of heading in the direction of the bathroom.

I don’t even let myself glance in Ryan’s direction. I can’t. If I’m going to get it together and not end up dry-humping the leg of our table like an unneutered dog, I can’t let myself stare into the blue eyes of the Sex King.

And when I say Sex King, I really mean it.

I’ve honestly never experienced sex with a man like him. He’s this mind-blowing mix of expert orgasm-giver, bossy Dom, and freak in the sheets. And I’d be outright lying if I said I didn’t want to experience more of what he has to give.

After I pass the hostess stand at the front of the clubhouse, I take a right and quickly slip inside one of the unisex, single-stall restrooms. Door locked behind me, I rest my back against the wood and inhale a deep breath.

Hand to my chest, I coach myself to climb off my tower of horny and act like a normal, non-sex-crazed human being.

It’s hard, though, I’ll be honest.

I’ve never experienced sex that good in my entire life, and apparently, my vagina’s only way to cope is begging for more, more, more like she’s Billy fucking Idol.

I swear, there’s nothing more awkward than being uncomfortably turned on at lunch with your mom and her so-called boyfriend. Well, besides maybe seeing your mom’s “WAP” dance video or watching her make out with said boyfriend or, you know, a million other things that I’ve had to witness while being a temporary resident at Sunny Creek.

I don’t know how long I stand there, but when three soft knocks rap against the door, I damn near jump out of my skin.

“Hold on! Just minute!” I shout and just, like, pace back and forth in the small bathroom.

Truthfully, I have zero reason to be in here, but I also don’t want to seem like a psycho who just stands around in bathrooms.

I hit the handle on the toilet with my shoe so the sounds of flushing fill the room, but before I can head over to the sink to wash my hands, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Ryan: Open up, sweetheart.


Ryan: I’m the one who just knocked on the door.

What the hell? I think to myself, but also, I open up the door.

Between one breath and the next, Ryan is on the other side, and then his arms are around my waist and he’s shuffling us into the bathroom and kicking the door shut behind him.

“What are you doing?” I ask, but also, I giggle.

“Kissing you.”

Which he does. Lips to mine, he takes my mouth in a deep, sensual kiss that feels so damn good, it surprises a moan from my throat.

“So, when you texted me to say we’ve been found out, you meant Nan’s house,” he states and bites down on my bottom lip to tug on it gently.

“What did you think I meant?” I ask, but then my eyes go wide in amusement, and I laugh when I realize that message could’ve meant our parents found out about all the hours of hot and illicit sex we enjoyed inside Sal’s guest bedroom. “Oh shit. I guess I didn’t think that through, huh?”