Page 76 of Oops, I've Fallen

Me: Yes.

Carly: And I’ve decided, this is EXACTLY what I want to do too.

Carly: P.S. I feel like I’m seventeen all over again. ;)

Me: Ha. I never snuck out of my house when I was seventeen.

Carly: LOL. That’s such a Ryan thing to say.

Me: Focus, smartass. Tomorrow night. You and me. Got it?

Carly: Got it, Sir. If you don’t mind my asking, though, what exactly are we going to do?

Me: You’ll find out tomorrow night.

Carly: Ohhhhh, a sexy secret. I love it!!!!

The smile on my face has to be the size of fucking Texas.

A whole entire night with Carly? Count me in.

Work tasks still pending, I fire up my laptop with one thing in mind—finding the nicest beachfront hotel that’s close enough to execute a top-secret escape and reentry that will ensure Sal and Stella are none the wiser.

Not to mention, it needs to be romantic as hell.

After tomorrow night, I want Carly to know that, when it comes to her, it’s not just about the hot sex for me. I want her to know how I really feel.

October 9th, Friday


A nearly perfect glowing, shimmering ball, the moon hangs big and wide in the clear sky. The stars twinkle and shine, and the waves crash against the sand, their sounds serving as the percussion to the soundtrack of our late-night, secret getaway.

Sigh. Best. Night. Ever.

When Ryan said he was going to steal me away for the evening, I figured we’d end up having back-seat sex in an empty parking lot or something. And while that would’ve been just fine by me, man oh man, was I wrong.

He went all out tonight.

Not only did he book us a stay at a swanky beachfront hotel only a few miles from Sunny Creek, but upon our arrival, after a quick check-in to our room, he walked me here—to a private little alcove where a blanket is spread across the sand with tealight candles and champagne and sweet treats.

And I’m talking lots and lots of sweet treats. Brownies, cupcakes, chocolate-covered strawberries, fancy chocolates of all flavors…Ryan Miller knows the way to my heart like the back of his freaking hand.

“You’ve really outdone yourself,” I tell him and take a sip of champagne from the flute he handed me just moments ago.

“Yeah?” he asks, and a sly smirk spreads across his full lips.

“Oh yeah,” I answer with a little nod. “When it comes to getting lucky tonight, the odds are definitely in your favor.”

He chuckles at that. “I’m just glad we managed to get out of our parents’ houses without them finding out.”

It was a miracle both were in bed and asleep by eleven. Lately, Stella has been giving me a real hassle with wanting to stay up late to make TikTok videos and watch reruns of the Golden Girls.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Golden Girls. I’ve basically worshiped the ground Sophia walked on since I was thirteen. But I’d give up her quick humor for the rest of my life if it meant more alone time with Ryan—and Ryan’s beautiful penis—any day of the week.

“Stella fell asleep by nine because I drugged her,” I say, and Ryan looks at me with the biggest shocked eyes I’ve ever seen.

“You did what?”

“I wasn’t supposed to do that?” I question back, putting on a show of innocent confusion. “Wait…you didn’t give Sal anything?”

“Are you fucking with me?” A stunned laugh leaves his lips. “Uh, no. You weren’t supposed to drug her! What did you give her?”

“Benadryl?” I offer. His eyes shoot up and his muscles tense, but then, I tell him the truth. “Of course I didn’t drug her. I just wanted to see you freak out over it.”

“Christ, Carly,” he retorts through more laughs and runs a hand through his hair. “You’re fucking crazy sometimes, you know that?”

“Uh-huh.” I grin. “You love it, though.”

His laughter dissipates, and his eyes morph into a mix of serious but gentle, latching on to mine.

“You’re right,” he answers, and I tilt my head to the side.

“Right about what?”

His eyes search mine. “Carly, I’ve never met anyone like you before. At first, every vibrant thing you have to offer seemed scary and intense and out of place for me. But now…” He shrugs. “I really like you, Carly.”

Now it’s my turn to be shocked. “Y-you do?”

“Carly.” He reaches out to set my champagne glass down and take my now-trembling hand into his. “I’m the guy who always calculates and strategizes and painstakingly thinks about every detail before making a decision. But with you? I’m just living in the moment. You make me want to live in the moment. You’re incredible.”

His words are like a live wire to my chest, jolting intense emotion straight into my heart.

“In the past,” he continues. “I chose relationships based on shit like financial stability and career goals. I’m sure you can imagine how fucking terrible that mind-set pans out when it comes to dating and relationships and finding someone.”