I pulled away from the house and selected a random direction. I didn’t really care where we went, so long as I got to spend some time alone with her.

“He’s certainly old, but I’m sure he wouldn’t say no to a little prediction.” I paused as I considered her. “So, since I’ve helped you these last few days, do I get one, too?”

She arched an eyebrow. “Who’s to say I’ve seen anything of your future, Finn?”

“Well, have you?”

She glanced out the window at the world passing by. “I might have.”

Something in my gut twisted at her hesitation. “It’s bad, isn’t it? That’s why you don’t want to tell me.”

She hurried to correct me. “No, that’s not it. It’s not bad. It’s just kind of, well, personal.”

I glanced at her sideways. “I can deal with personal.”

She bit her lip, which I noticed was a nervous tick of hers. “It actually involves me.”

Now I grinned big, glancing from the road to her. “Really? It must be good then. Come on, don’t leave me hanging. Tell me.”

She didn’t say anything for a long moment, then finally replied, “Remember when we first met? When I said I’d heard your voice before?”


“Well, I heard it in a vision I had when I was sixteen. It’s rare that I see something that’s about me, so I always held onto the memory of it. That, and it was one of the few happy things I’d seen.”

I liked the sound of a happy ending. It’d certainly make all the crap we’d been through lately feel like it was worth it. “Oh?”

Alora stared down at her lap. “I was older in the vision, in my late twenties or early thirties, and I was laughing and running through a country meadow.”

I swallowed as I listened to her description, waiting with bated breath for her to finish.

“I was being chased by someone, like, in a playful way,” she continued. “It was a man with an accent I wasn’t used to hearing, an accent just like yours. He was calling me, teasing me that he was going to catch me. Finally, I was caught up by a pair of strong arms and hauled into this completely loving embrace. That’s when the vision ended. Now that I’ve heard your voice, Finn, I know undoubtedly that the man was you.” She paused, swallowing thickly before finally meeting my gaze. “It’s why I felt so comfortable with you from the beginning. I wouldn’t typically share a bed with a man I’d never met, but with you, it was okay because my vision had shown me that we …” her voice broke, thick with emotion. “That we ended up together,” she finished in a whisper.

Overcome with feeling, I pulled over onto the side of the road and dragged her from her seat onto my lap. Framing her face in my hands, I looked between her eyes, trying to figure out if she was playing with me. All I saw was complete and total honesty, and I knew she was telling the truth. This beautiful woman saw me in her future. She saw the two of us being happy together, and I couldn’t help feeling stunned. I’d never been more hopeful.

“You really saw that?” I asked as I ran my lips over her silky soft cheek, and she sucked in a harsh breath.

“Yes. I’m not sure what it means exactly—”

“You know what it means,” I cut her off. “It means we belong together.”

“Finn, those are awfully committed words to be saying to a girl you hardly know.”

“I trust in your sight, Alora. Neither of us knows what road is going to take us to that place you saw us. It could be a road full of pain and strife, but so long as I know that’s where we’re going to end up, I can be happy. I’ll go through all of it just to get there, to that little spot in the country where we’re together and finally at peace.”

She blinked, stunned by my words. I might’ve been a little bit stunned by them also. I didn’t know I had it in me to be so romantic.

Moving her so that her legs were astride my lap, I ran my hands up and down her thighs.

“I like touching you,” I said in a gravelly voice before dipping my mouth to her neck. “Do you like being touched by me, Alora?”

“Mm-hmm,” she mumbled. “I do.”

“That’s good.”

Pressing my lips to her skin, I trailed kisses from the spot below her ear down to her collarbone. She sighed, and both her hands clutched my shoulders tightly. I was so hard I worried I might be scaring her a little, but she only moved against me, seeking friction. Moving one hand to the back of her neck, I pulled her mouth to mine, licking inside her lips with my tongue.