“You’ve got a kind heart, Finn,” she said, a catch in her voice.

“That’s me, alright. Finn Roe: Kind-hearted vampire slayer. So, I repeat, is there anything you need?” Without meaning to, I reached over and put my hand gently on her shoulder.

“Um, I could use some toiletries, I guess. Shampoo and body wash, the girly kind.”

“Girly shampoo and body wash, done and done,” I told her, smiling. “What else?”

“That’s all,” she answered sheepishly.

“Low maintenance. I like it,” I said, teasing.

A moment of quiet passed before she spoke again. “Actually, there is one more thing.”

“Say the word, and it’s done.”

“Can you describe what everyone looks like for me? I want to be able to picture you all in my head.”

I grinned. “Sure. Let me see. First, you have Delilah. She’s a dhampir; petite, face like a china doll, pale skin, and curly red hair. Attitude for days, but you probably already know that. Ira’s a shapeshifter who typically turns into a large dog, but I think he can take on several animal forms. He’s tall, built like a brick shithouse, dark colouring. Gabriel’s a dhampir, too. He and Delilah are half-siblings. He’s got short brown hair and green eyes, average height, bit of a pretty boy. Alvie’s human, though he knows a little magic, too. He’s thin as a rake, brown eyes, dyed black hair, wears a lot of Goth clothes.” I paused and watched her as she absorbed it all. “And then you have me, handsomest motherfucker you’ll ever come across,” I joked.

She laughed. “Be serious!”

“Okay, okay. My eyes are blue, hair’s light brown. That’s about the size of it.”

“Stand up for a minute.”

Curious, I did as she requested, and she followed suit, reaching up to place her hands on my shoulders. I stood at least a foot taller than her. “Hmm, you’re tall,” she said as her hands drifted from my shoulders, down my arms, and across my chest. “And you’re lean.” Now her hands came up to my face. Her fingers were gentle as they tenderly searched my features. “I think you weren’t lying either when you said you were handsome.”

Jesus, I had to concentrate to keep my dick under control. My breathing came out all fast and shit. I really, really liked it when she put her hands on me.

“Keep touching me like that and I might have to kiss you.”

The husky words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them, and her hands froze on my face. A quick breath gushed from her, and her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

“I’m sorry,” she apologised and moved away from me to sit back down on the sofa.

“Why? Those were the best thirty seconds I’ve had all week.”

A grin curved the ends of her lips as she stared at the floor. “I think you might be a charmer as well as a flirt, Finn Roe.”

At that moment, I knew I was going to kiss her. Not today, but someday. And when I did it might just turn out to be the best day of my life.


Later on, there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, thinking it was Gabriel. Instead, I was greeted by Tegan on my doorstep, hand in hand with Cristescu and Rebecca by her side.

“Hey, come on in,” I said, gesturing into the house.

Alora had been resting in her room, so I climbed the stairs to get her. I knew she couldn’t exactly see Rebecca and confirm whether or not she was the girl from her vision, but maybe she’d, I don’t know, sense something. I rapped my knuckles on her door.

“Yes?” she called.

“It’s Finn. Can I come in?”

I heard sheets rustling before she answered, “Sure.”

When I entered, I found her sitting up in bed under the covers, her hair mussed from sleep and her lips swollen. Damn. Yet again, my dick woke up to say hello. Go back to sleep, fucker.

“Remember the little girl I mentioned who might be the one from your vision?”

She nodded.

“Well, she’s here now. How do you feel about meeting her?”

“Oh,” she replied, startled. “I’d love to. Just give me a minute to fix myself up.”

“Sure. See you downstairs,” I said, leaving her to it.

Then I went to get Gabriel and Alvie from the RV and Delilah and Ira from the house across the street. Ten minutes later, we were all assembled in my small living room. Alora was the last one to enter, her hair now pulled back into a braid away from her face. I noticed Cristescu eye her with interest and felt like punching his lights out just for looking at her. Not that I’d be able to punch his lights out or anything. Definitely not now.

Everybody watched him warily, studying him and trying to pinpoint the changes brought about by Tegan’s blood. The fact that he was sitting there in broad daylight was probably the biggest difference anyone could expect. His eyes were slightly silvery now, and his skin had a subtle, barely-there glow. Delilah embraced her brother briefly and told him it was good to see him. I suspected that was about as lovey-dovey as those two got when it came to family greetings.