“Are you okay?” Ethan asked, staring down at me.

“I think so. We need to get out of here and over that bridge.”

“I know, hold still.”

He reached out and pushed at the door beside me. It groaned under his strength and, seconds later, fell off, meeting the ground with a loud clang. Whoa. I had a feeling that was something he couldn’t do before he drank my blood. Ethan took Rebecca from me, and I crawled out as he followed behind. A crowd had gathered to ogle the wreckage. I readied myself for Emilia’s next attack, but it never came.

I looked around in bewilderment. The car she and her butler had been in was nowhere to be seen. That was when my attention was drawn to the freakish giggling coming from overhead. My eyes travelled up the building in front of me until I saw two figures standing on the roof dressed in all black. No, that wasn’t right—there were three figures. One of them was Emilia, but she was unconscious as Theodore held her in his arms. Beside him was Rita, who gazed down at me without expression.

A swirl of purple smoke surrounded them, and when it dissolved, all three of them had disappeared.

“What the hell?” I whispered. What did Theodore want with Emilia?

Ethan stepped up beside me still carrying Rebecca. “Did you see what I just saw?” I asked him.

“Yes, it was Theodore,” he confirmed.

“He took Emilia.”

“He probably wants to use her for something. Perhaps he thinks she’ll join his side.”

“Wonderful,” I grunted.

He grabbed my hand. “Come. We must get into vampire territory before they come back.”

I nodded, though I didn’t think Theodore was coming back just yet.

When we reached Ethan’s house, I put Rebecca to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. All the action had drained her energy. She only had a small bruise on her temple, though, which was lucky since Ethan’s car had been totalled. It was a good thing he was there to shield us from most of the impact.

Once I left her, I went and ran a bath, while Ethan was downstairs meeting with the last of the vampires from yesterday. I unplugged my phone from where it had been charging in Ethan’s room and brought it into the bath with me. Ethan mentioned something about being unable to make any calls, but it looked like I finally had a signal again. The moment I turned it on it started beeping with messages from Amanda that had been sent the other night.

The first read, Oh fuck! Just saw my neighbour get attacked right out on the street. WTF is happening? My parents went to visit my aunt’s farm in the country and I’m all on my own.

And the second, Jesus, Tegan. The city is swarming with vamps gone nuts. I need you to call me ASAP.

The final one said, I’m hiding in the basement. Please call. I’m scared.

Upon finishing the final message, I dialled her number immediately. It only rang once before she picked up.

“Tegan! Oh, thank God.”

“Amanda, where are you?”

“I’m still in my basement. There’s no food here, and I’m starving, but I can’t leave. It’s too crazy outside.”

“You can leave now. Things have settled down. Listen, I need you to come to this address.” I rattled off Ethan’s house number and street name before reassuring her again that she’d be okay, then I hung up. I seemed to be gathering strays at record-breaking speed today. Next, I pulled up Finn’s number, but the few bars of signal I had a moment ago flickered in and out before disappearing completely. Seemed like the reception was still patchy.

Setting the phone aside, I allowed my body to sink into the bubbles and closed my eyes. I got at least twenty minutes of uninterrupted relaxation before the door opened, and I sensed Ethan’s presence. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel his nearness. He knelt by the large tub and dipped his hand into the foamy water.

“That’s a good look for you,” he murmured.

“Why thanks,” I replied, a smile tugging at my lips. I reached up with my foot and turned the nob to let more hot water in. When I finally looked at Ethan, his fangs were fully descended and his eyes had grown dark.

“I told Amanda to come here. She’s frightened at what’s been happening and needs somewhere she’ll be safe.”

Ethan frowned. “I just sent Lucas out to gather food and clothing for you and Rebecca. He’s staying in one of the guest rooms, though, so I’m not sure how comfortable your friend will be.”

“Just tell him to keep away from her, and it should be okay. She’s sober now and seems determined not to fall back into old habits.”


Ethan’s fingertips grazed my nipple, and I sucked in a harsh breath, opening my eyes. He shot me a wicked, lustful glance before standing to undress. My muscles clenched with anticipation as I waited for him to join me. His top fell to the floor, followed shortly by his trousers and boxers, and before I knew it, he was climbing into the tub.