Several minutes passed before the voice came back on the intercom. “Emilia has agreed to see you,” came the unexpected reply. “Please, come in.”

The gate buzzed open, and Ethan drove through. He parked by the front entrance, and we got out of the car. Just before he could knock on the door, I pulled his arm back and stared up at him.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit too convenient that she’s letting us into her house?” I asked. “She’s got a little girl in there that she’s kidnapped and is desperate to keep. Why would she let me in?”

The stark remembrance that Pamphrock was dead hit me suddenly. Even if I did get Rebecca back, I wouldn’t have anyone to return her to. Unless, of course, her mother decided to make a miraculous recovery from whatever institution was currently caring for her.

“She won’t try anything, not with me there. My people would come after her if she did.”

“Are you certain their loyalties run that deep?” I questioned, pulling no punches. “It wasn’t too long ago that they were siding with Whitfield when he decided to exile you.”

Ethan took a lock of my hair between his fingers, his knuckles grazing my skin. “Everything is different now. Trust me in this.”

“I hope you’re right,” I muttered just before he knocked.

A well-dressed butler answered, and I presumed this was the same guy who’d been speaking to us through the intercom.

“Welcome,” he greeted. “Emilia will be with you shortly.”

He escorted us through a vast entryway and inside a high-ceilinged living room. The décor was very fancy, but I didn’t like it at all. I enjoyed a good comfortable, lived-in space. This place was so pristine it felt like I was staining it just by standing there.

Ethan and I sat on the long sectional sofa, and the butler asked us if we’d like anything to drink.

“Yeah, a double vodka, please,” I replied jokingly, even though I kind of wasn’t joking at all. I needed some Dutch courage to face Emilia.

The butler nodded and left the room. Ethan arched an eyebrow at me.

“What? I need it. Emilia’s not going to be a walk in the park to talk to. In fact, she can be quite the bitch. I get the feeling she hates that I’m her relative but feels this grudging obligation to get to know me.”

“Has anyone ever said that your low self-esteem becomes you?” Ethan asked sarcastically, lounging on the sofa and still managing to look beautiful and laid back in such a stuffy environment. The scent of peonies was so strong it was almost cloying.

“I wear it like a badge of honour,” I replied just as the butler returned with the vodka.

Ethan watched as I raised the glass to him in a salute before knocking it back. A minute later, Emilia appeared, and Ethan took my hand into his. Her eyes zoned in on the movement before she stepped over to an armchair in front of us and sat down.

Emilia wore a knee-length, burgundy silk dress with a V neckline. Her attention settled on Ethan.

“I don’t believe we’ve met. Ethan Cristescu, isn’t it?”

“That’s right,” he replied, leaning forward and taking her hand into his. He placed a kiss on her skin and glanced up, flashing his eyes at her. He must have willed them to go black for a moment because Emilia jumped back in a fright.

Her furious gaze darted to me. “Please tell me you didn’t!” she cried.

“What? Tell you I didn’t what?” I asked in confusion.

“This man is a vampire, and you allowed him to drink from you. There’s no other explanation as to why he’s sitting here in a room full of daylight.”

I smirked casually. “Oh, yeah. I did do that. It’s not what I came to talk to you about though. And relax, he’s not going to bite you. Not unless I tell him to.”

At this, Ethan shot me a grin.

Emilia visibly bristled and settled back into her seat. Trying to appear unruffled, she glanced down to study her fingernails which were painted the same hue as her dress. “So many men in your life, I can hardly keep up,” she tutted.

“It takes one to know one,” I shot back, and she narrowed her eyes at me with a scowl.

There was silence for a moment before she asked, “So, do you care to enlighten me as to why you are here? Or are we going to just sit here all day?”

“I dunno. The vodka’s pretty good. I don’t mind sitting here all day,” I answered, pouring myself another shot from the bottle of Grey Goose the butler brought in. I might as well get my money’s worth out of this unpleasant visitation.

“Tegan and I came to ask a favour,” Ethan interjected, taking my empty glass from me and giving me a stern look that said, No more vodka for you, Sunshine.