Later on, I found Alora sitting on a couch alone in the living room.

“Hey, Goldy. How’s your day been?” I asked as I entered.

Her cheeks got a pretty red tint when she heard my voice, and something about it caused a warm, pleasurable feeling in my chest. Was she remembering the way she woke up this morning in my bed? I hoped so, because personally I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Best morning I’d had in a long, long while.

“Hi, Finn. My day’s been okay. You?”

“Can’t complain,” I replied, stroking the back of her hair affectionately before lowering to sit beside her. She shimmied closer so that our thighs met, and I resisted the urge to pull her onto my lap and kiss her senseless. Instead, I took her hand in mine and ran my fingertips over her upturned palm. I never really connected with people on this level—touching just for the sake of it.

“That feels nice,” she whispered.

A thick wave of arousal swept over me, and I wished we could go back to my place, where I could lay her down on my own bed and make her feel good for hours on end. Being with her under someone else’s roof just didn’t feel right. My hand fell away from Alora when Delilah and Ira entered the room and sat down on the couch across from us. Delilah eyed me intently while Ira picked a book up from the coffee table and began flicking through it. I raised a ‘what the eff are you gawking at?’ eyebrow at Delilah, and she turned away with a little smirk.

Clearly, she suspected my feelings for Alora. Well, goody for her. I wasn’t going to act embarrassed. I liked Alora, and from the way she reacted to me this morning, I suspected she liked me back.

It had all come on so fast, but having her around made my chest feel less tight. There was a light, airiness there whenever she was close. It made no sense since I’d only known her a few days, but her quiet presence was soothing, a balm to my soul.

Leaning forward and ignoring Delilah’s shrewd observation, I gave Alora a tender kiss on the cheek.

“I’m going to do a quick circuit of the city and keep an eye on things,” I told her. “Do you want me to bring anything back?”

She shook her head, a shy look on her face at my show of affection. “I don’t need anything, but thanks.”

“Hey, Finn, I wouldn’t mind some Mexican food if you’re offering,” Delilah said cheekily, and I shot her a wry look as I pointed at her.

“You can go get it yourself,” I said, and she chuckled as I left the room.

Aside from Theodore, I hadn’t seen many witches or warlocks about. Marcel, in particular, had been uncharacteristically quiet this past while. Although, I had spotted him at Campion Row the other morning handing out maps to members of the angry mob.

I drove towards Indigo only to find the place locked tight. There were a few shops nearby still open for business, but most of them were empty. Every once in a while, some police officers walked by on patrols, but otherwise, the streets were dead.

I sat in my van, biting at my short fingernails and worrying if this was what we had to look forward to from now on. People too afraid to leave their homes for fear of being attacked.

It was evening by the time I got back, and all I had managed to do was save one old lady from being mugged by a group of human teenagers. I also gave a man directions to the nearest open grocery store.

You know, real hero stuff.

After so many years of constantly fighting a battle, I didn’t trust the quiet. It made me antsy.

At the house, I found Tegan, Alvie, and Amanda in the kitchen preparing dinner. They all seemed to be working together to make a stew, and the counter was a mess of chopped vegetables.

“Ever heard of the saying ‘too many cooks spoil the broth?’” I asked humorously, sitting down on a stool to watch them. I picked up a raw carrot and took a bite.

“Oh, shush,” Tegan said as she turned back to consult the recipe book she was working from. “I’m just not used to catering for so many people.”

“I say you give up now and order a pizza.”

“What’s going on in here?” Lucas asked as he entered the kitchen. Amanda tensed at the sound of his voice.

“We’re cooking dinner,” she replied, meeting the dark-haired vampire’s eyes coolly. She stood with her hands on her hips, staring him down.

His gaze seemed to move along her body appreciatively before a guilty look crossed his features. I remembered Tegan mentioning that he’d been the one to introduce Amanda to the vampire world. That was how she became addicted to being bitten. It was interesting to know he felt remorse about it.