“Thanks.” She takes the drink but only sips it this time.

I take it when she holds it out, and I put it on the floor by the bed, so she can find it if she needs it during the night.

“You’re a good guy, West.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you knew me.”

“I know bad. My ex was bad. Really bad … he cheated, you know.”

“He sounds like a dick.”

“Prick.” She laughs. “He’s a prick. And a twunt.”

“Twunt?” I question.

“Twunt—because sometimes, twat and cunt just aren’t enough. I have that on a mug. It’s one of my favorites. I also have one that says, Twuntasaurus—like a normal twunt but more awesome. That one has a picture of a cute dinosaur on it too.”

“Well, twunt is now officially my favorite word.”

She smiles big, lighting up her whole face, and if I wasn’t sitting down, it would have knocked me on my ass. She really is beautiful.

“I have this really funny mug that I got as a Secret Santa gift last Christmas. It says, Finger up the bum, no harm done.” She snort-laughs, and then her brows draw together. “Actually, I never did find out who bought it.”

“I’m getting the impression that you really like mugs.”

“I do. I love them. I have a whole collection of Disney ones too.” She sighs, and the sound is soft and sweet. “You know, they’re all in boxes at the moment, sitting lonely and unused in my aunt Jenny’s garage because I’m officially homeless. I’d given up the lease on my place to move into the prick’s house. But you know, obviously, that’s not happening, so I’m staying with Aunt Jenny, who is awesome—you’d love her—until I can find another place. Ugh.” She groans, slapping a hand to her face. “I honestly don’t know what I was thinking! I don’t even know why I was going to marry him. You know, he was the worst in bed. Total worst! He needed a map just to find my vagina. And I don’t even think a satnav would have gotten him to my clit.”

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. She really needs to stop talking about her vagina and clit. Because I’m already imagining how her pussy tastes.

“Well, I’d say, you had a lucky escape,” I say to move my thoughts away from her pussy because I’m not getting anywhere near it tonight.

“Yeah.” She sighs an unhappy sound.

I’m just here, wondering how this bad-in-bed, cheating prick of a guy managed to land a gorgeous girl like Dillon.

“I’m just sad, you know,” she continues. “Not so much about him. He was just a small blip in the landscape of my life—my aunt Jenny told me that. Yeah …” Another sigh. “I’m just really sad about my mum.”

“Your mom?”

“Uh-huh. It was my mum he was cheating on me with. They were having an affair. I walked in on them kissing a few weeks before he and I were supposed to get married. They were at her house. I’d let myself in. I was there to go finalize the seating plan with her. And they were right there in the kitchen, going at each other.

“Apparently, they’d been sleeping together for three months. Three fucking months! Literally from the moment I’d introduced him to her. Because, you know, that’s what girls do—take the fiancé to meet the mother! He drove her home that night, and he was gone a while, told me that he’d had car trouble. Yeah, right. I bet that was the night it started.

“I know my mother. She doesn’t waste any time when she’s after a man. God! There I was, asking her to help me plan the wedding, asking her to give me away on my wedding day because she’s the only parent I’ve ever had. Desperately trying to bond with her because our relationship has always been difficult. And she said yes to it all. She even helped picked my wedding dress! And all that time, she was screwing my fiancé!” She lets out this strangled noise that sounds like a cross between a laugh and a cry.

“I can’t even say it without wanting to puke. I was sleeping in his bed with him, and so was she. God, it’s just disgusting and incestuous! The day I found out, I literally puked. I threw up everywhere, and then I scrubbed my body raw in the shower. I just needed to get clean. Get their betrayal off me. But even now, I still feel … gross.” A soft cry slips past her lips. “My mum always told me that I was stupid. Guess she was right.”

She blinks up at me with wet lashes, those eyes filled with hurt. I have the sudden urge to squeeze the life out of the fucking moron who hurt her, and I’d never lay a hand on a woman, but I might make an exception for her mom.