Page 28 of Phoenix Rising

How much was the question?

Because I was more than sure I was falling in love with Clint McRae.

I’d been feeling it all along, I realized. But I had only just admitted to myself. It scared the heck out of me, truth be told.

My stomach did a little flip. What if I was just a passing thing for him? What if I was reading all this wrong? He might think he was too old for me.

He'd even said so, in PJ's bar back home.

A heavy feeling of dread settled in my stomach. I was frowning by the time I made it to the waiting pen where Apollo was tethered. I don't know if Clint noticed, because something even more worrisome showed up right at that moment.

My cousins.

Two of them were descending on us. Jackson, the eldest and Daniel, the middle brother. Jake was off somewhere being a new-do-well (his own words), God only knew where.

Well, that wasn’t precisely true. The truth was, I was the only one who actually knew where he was, because he called me once a week, like clockwork. But I knew that nobody else in the family had the slightest idea. The black sheep of the family, Jake was the ultra charming bad boy, but with a heart of gold. He had sworn me to secrecy to his location due to family tension with his father and eldest brother and I kept my word. And I was good at keeping secrets if need be.

Lord knows, I had kept my crush on Clint a secret, even from myself. I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. ‘Crush’ didn’t even start to cover it.

It was love, plain and simple.


Daniel swept me up in his arms and lifted me, tossing me in the air. I squealed, my long red braid flying around like a rope in the air and smacking both of us. My hat had a little elastic band that fit under my chin, so thankfully that stayed put.


"Put her down, Daniel."

Daniel obeyed immediately, responding quickly as we all did, to the voice of authority. Jackson Delancey. I was laughing nervously as he set me on my feet in front Jackson. The biggest Delancey was frowning down at me, looking me over.

"You look… different."

I smiled at him. The oldest Delancey was stern, but secretly a big ole Teddy bear. But I had a sudden inkling that he was onto me. Clint too, once he got a look at us together. He had a nose for figuring out secrets though, so I poked his chest to distract him.

"You haven't seen me since last Christmas! Of course, I look different!"

He shook his head slowly.

"No, that's not it." He sighed forlornly as if I'd done something naughty that was a matter for grave concern. He considered himself responsible for me. The Delancey boys all did. And he was right. I had been naughty. Extremely naughty, I thought with a blush. But it was better if he didn't know what Clint and I had been up to!

"Who gave you permission to grow up?" He continued, the frown still marring his handsome brow. All my cousins were absurdly handsome, causing females of all ages to act foolishly smitten around them. It was hysterical to watch, because not one of them gave a rat’s ass about the way they looked or cared about their effect on women.

Well, maybe Jake had an idea of his charm and how to use it. But he was the exception. They didn’t call him a bad boy for nothing, I thought with a snicker.

Jackson must have finally come to some sort of internal decision because he smiled and opened his arms. I was enfolded in a gigantic man hug. I squeezed him back, though he was so big it wasn't easy!

I realized Clint was standing there. I better get this over with… I did my best to act natural as I smiled at him apologetically.

"Clint, these are my cousins."

Clint nodded, looking at them warily. That was good. It boded well that he took them seriously. The last thing I wanted was some sort of macho standoff. Daniel slapped him on the back and I winced. I was suddenly glad we'd decided against PDA. If they had seen us kissing or holding hands… that friendly slap would have been a punch.

The Delancey boys were fond of a tussle. I knew they didn’t care when or where. I’d seen them throw down at charity events. Riding competitions. Even a church social once. They didn’t even need a good reason. And Clint devirginizing their precious little cousin, who they considered a baby sister, was more than reason enough.

I shuddered.

Our little fling had to stay secret. Until it was more official, if that ever happened. I prayed it would. I was pretty sure Clint wanted me to be his girlfriend, but he hadn't asked yet.