Page 26 of Phoenix Rising

He asked me if he could pick out my panties every day and I said yes.

He asked if I would let him in my bed every night and I said yes.

He asked if I would be a good girl and do every damn thing he said, in and out of the ring from now on.

Lord help me, I said yes.

"That's just what I wanted to hear."

I moaned as both his hands finally slid between my thighs. One thick finger pressed inside me while the other circled on my clit. For all his talk of quickies, he seemed to be in no hurry. I was already so sensitive, and his touch was so light, that I felt like one big nerve ending.

I felt like I was going to lose my mind if he didn't fuck me.

"Please Clint…"

"Hmmm it's a long drive to the hotel. Maybe I should just let you stew… wonder how good it would be by the time we got upstairs?"

"No! Please, no! You promised!"

"I did? It seems to me you were the one making all the promises…"

He kissed my ear and his fingers moved a little faster. He slipped a second finger inside me and I circled myself on it eagerly. He pinched my nipples and ran his tongue over my neck. I wanted more though– I wanted–


I came the moment his finger brushed my clit, thrashing on his lap like a crazy person. Being exposed like this, while he was dressed, coming all alone, while he was already finished… It felt so illicit.

So dirty.

So good.

Clint helped me dress and lifted me into his big strong arms, murmuring soft words of praise the whole time. I was smiling sleepily as he carried me to the car, buckling me into the passenger seat like a child. He even draped a blanket over me. Some of the fellas helped him hook up Apollo's trailer while I dozed.

He loaded some drinks and ice into the cooler in the backseat and got in. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead and started the engine.

I snuggled onto my side, feeling safe and warm and protected. Everything was going to be just fine. Tonight, I'd sleep in his arms. I would make Clint proud tomorrow.

Tomorrow, was my first competitive ride of the year.

Chapter Twenty-One


Focus Clint. Precious cargo on board.

It was hard, though. It was a long drive and my body was reacting to her nearness, just like it always did. It didn’t matter that I’d just had her. I’d been just as eager for round two, and had to hold back.

Maybe even more eager. Was that even possible?

I reached out to touch her for the hundredth time, careful to keep my eyes on the road. I tilted the rear view mirror to take a peak at sleeping beauty. Phoenyx was dozing beside me, her breath rising and falling gently. With her red hair spread out and her rosy cheeks and pink lips, she looked like an angel.

My angel, dammit.

I could hardly believe she was real.

I was happier than I could ever remember being in my life. But I was also more terrified. Now that she was mine, I had to make sure to keep her safe. And make sure she didn't change her mind about wanting me. Ever.

Hell, I needed to tie her ass down.

I grit my teeth. I'd never been the marrying kind, and now all I could think about was Phee in a white dress. Phee in my bed. Phee holding my baby.

I wanted the white picket fence and everything, dammit. And I wanted it now.

My stomach clenched. I wanted this to stick. But Phoenyx was so young. I was ten years her senior. I had no idea if she'd wake up one day and start calling me a dirty old man. No idea if she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I had one advantage though. I grinned to myself, thinking wicked thoughts.

Well, three.

My hands, my mouth and my cock.

Oh yes, Phee seemed to like those things about me just fine. I'd just have to keep her satisfied– or unsatisfied– depending on how ornery she was being. She'd stick around for sure if I was playing her fiddle right.

And I was a damn fine fiddle player.

Maybe I wouldn't ask for the girl's hand in marriage. Maybe I'd just tell her while in the throes of passion. I knew she wouldn’t argue or talk back when we were in bed. It wasn’t a bad idea. In fact, it was brilliant. I wa a genius, I thought smugly. Phee might argue when we were talking horses, but when we were in bed, she was much more compliant.

Submissive, even. And damned if I didn’t like it.

I'd wait until she was screaming my name and then I'd just let her know I was making this permanent. I'd make no bones about it. When a man and a woman meshed together as well as we did, there was no other course of action. It was right as rain. There was no need for discussion. No need to do the whole proposal deal. I wanted her locked down, without all that flowery nonsense they talked about in movies and romance books.