In rehab, after Taylor had left him, he had sworn never to trust another soul, yet here he was, in a position to trust Ginny’s ability to navigate the quagmire they were in. He had to hold off from busting her chops about her decision.

Ginny took his hand in hers. “If I can convince Agent Collins to let you leave the island, would you go without me?”


“Even if I beg?” she pleaded with him.

“Are you?” Reaper raised a brow at her.


“I still wouldn’t go.”

“I want to leave as badly as you do,” she said softly. “I have to do this.” She took his hand in hers squeezing it tightly.

“Somehow, I have to make amends. I can’t do it if I leave before this is finished. Both Allerton and I have to pay for what happened on Clindale. I was a child and didn’t know what I was doing; he did. I have to find out what I took that is so important he’s willing to kill anyone to get it back. When I find that out, my questions will be answered and I can stop running.”

Reaper removed his hand from hers and began writing, opting not to whisper.

Whatever it was you took is long gone. How will it make a difference if you remember what it was?

Ginny took the pen.

It’ll make a difference to me. I won’t have to hide anymore. I can return it back to Allerton or the FBI. I can have a life with Trudy, my niece or nephew, and with you, if that’s what you want. I can’t live closed off from them anymore. I didn’t die in that plane crash … I might have another name, but Evangeline is still here.

I’ve never lost sight of who I am and how the islanders took me into their hearts and made me one of them. I can’t betray them by running away twice. I was too young to take Allerton on before. I’m not a child any longer. At least if I go down, this time, he’ll have to answer to everyone who cares about me. Allerton may be powerful enough to kill, make over a hundred native islanders disappear, yet he can’t vanquish an army without coming out of hiding. If at the end of the day, all I’m able to accomplish is to expose him enough for everyone to see him for what he is, I’m good with that, especially if it prevents one more person from becoming his next victim.

Ginny took his hand again, and he shook his head at her naïveté. “Military battles that were fought for a cause have been lost and misrepresented since time began.”

“That’s very true,” Ginny agreed. “But how many have come up against an army that is unbeatable?”

“Nymph, I’ve got a news flash for you. You and me together isn’t much of an army.”

“It is when one of them is a secret weapon.”

Reaper lips curled in amusement. “Who’s the secret weapon?”

“Allerton thinks he’s taking on a defenseless woman who has only you to protect me. It hasn’t dawned on him yet who he’s fucking with.”

His smile slipped at her seriousness. Was she talking about Agent Collins? “And who would that be?”

“A gladiator who walked through the fires of hell and won.”

Reaper closed his eyes, his face twisting in remembered pain. “I didn’t win.”

“Aw … sweet man, you did win. The problem is you don’t think you deserve the medal.”

“There is no medal that will ever make up for what I went through.”

“I get that ….” Ginny took his hand in hers. “I wouldn’t either, if I were you. That doesn’t mean that day won’t come.”

“I won’t be holding my breath.”

Rising with his hand still in hers, he tugged her up. “Shower, then we’ll find something to eat. I want an early night.”

“Me, too.”

They slowly walked into the bathroom to shower, both of them refraining from talking, lost in their own thoughts. Rubbing the wash cloth over his chest, Reaper knew the evening and night would pass in the blink of an eye. He had a bad feeling about Ginny taking the polygraph. He didn’t see any good coming out of it, regardless of the results.

Washing quickly, Reaper stepped out of the shower, not wanting to linger with Ginny as she washed her hair. He got dressed after drying off, then checked each of the doors and windows before going into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.

“I thought you wanted an early night?” Ginny remarked, coming into the room dressed in a nightgown.

“The shower woke me up. You go ahead.”

“Is anything wrong?” Ginny gave him a concerned look.

“No.” Placing his cup on the counter, he went to place a kiss on her lips. “Go to bed.”

Her arms went around his waist as her head fell to his chest. He could feel her trembling in his arms. “I love you, Gavin.”