Ginny was standing where the tide was coming in, looking down at her toes as the waves came in then ebbed back. Taking a step back Ginny sank down onto the sand to circle her knees with her arms to stare toward Sherguevil Island. His hand unintentionally went to his shirt, over his heart. The primitive emotion that came over him was raw, unadulterated possessiveness.

It was the same feeling he’d had when Shade and Viper had taken the jelly she made. There was no rhyme or reason for the primitive instinct that intensified each day, every fucking time he touched her. He just knew that, when he looked at Ginny, a swell of possessiveness struck him ferociously, demanding him to protect what was his.

Keeping her within his eyesight, Reaper reached to his side to open the backpack and pull out the lunch that had been packed for them. Finding two club sandwiches, chips, and two bottles of sparkling water, he pulled them out and started eating one of the sandwiches as she walked along the beach. Reaper gave her the solitude she needed to adjust to the stark realization of what happened to her childhood home.

“Come eat, Ginny.” Tossing the empty paper wrap back into the backpack, he took out a pack of wipes.

Plopping down beside him, she showed him a pale shell she found. It was the size of a thumbnail. “Isn’t it pretty?” she winsomely. “Do you think Allerton will let me keep it?”

“I don’t see why not. Are you wanting to add it to your bracelet?”

“No.” Ginny placed the shell to the side to take the hand wipe that he was holding out for her. “I don’t want it damaged.”

A ton of bricks raining from the skies couldn’t hit him any harder at the difference between Taylor and Ginny. Taylor would never have given the delicate shell a second glance, much less treat it as if it had the value of a precious diamond. How Ginny had witnessed so much of the world’s ugliness and was able to remain uncontaminated by the events spoke as to a true testament to Ginny’s loving nature.

Taking the bottled water from him, she refused the sandwich. “I’m not hungry. My stomach still hasn’t settled from seeing Ivan Pavlov and Alek Lukin chowing down together.”

Reaper placed the paper-wrapped sandwich down on his lap to unwrap it and remove all the ingredients. Then he held out the thick slice of French bread. “You haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon, so eat. The bread will help settle your stomach.”

Making a face at him, she took the bread, nibbling on it as she stared out at the ocean.

Rolling the inside of the sandwich together, he ate it as he monitored her eating. After taking small nibbles, she took bigger bites, then took the other piece of bread when she finished the first.

“Why didn’t you put the charms I gave you on your bracelet?” Reaper refused to admit the ache in his chest was pain from not seeing the charms swinging on her dangling bracelet.

Ginny finished the bit of food in her mouth before answering, “I gave them to Silas to keep them safe. I didn’t want to chance anything happening to them.”

Her explanation assuaged his unease. “Any other places you want to explore before we go back?” Repacking the backpack with the empty sandwich wraps and empty bottled waters, he zipped it closed.

“Just one.” Ginny reluctantly put her shoes back on, as if she didn’t want to leave the beach. “I’m hoping I can find my favorite spot on the island.”

Reaper followed suit, putting on his shoes before reaching to pull Ginny back to her feet. “Stay close.”

“I will,” she promised.

“Which way?”

“Back the way we took to get to the village.”

It didn’t take her two minutes before she was trying to run ahead of him. Taking her hand, he forced her back to his side. He had a new appreciation of how hard it must have been for her parents and T.A. to keep up with her as a child.

Becoming more familiar with the island, it wasn’t long before they were back at the main village. Going through the middle, Ginny showed him a small trail that was only a foot wide; it led them right into the middle of a steep jungle.

“Are you sure you want to go this way?” Reaper used the bottom of his T-shirt to wipe his forehead and face.

“I think so.” Her excitement was bubbling over as they climbed steadily higher, only her memories guiding her way. “Oh yes, it is. We came this way every morning, Trudy used to carry me until I became too heavy. I vaguely remember it; she loved to talk about some of the things we did when Hammer finally let us talk together again. I guess I remember more than I thought.”