Allerton didn’t like being called a thief any more than Reaper liked Ginny being called one.

“The transaction of the artifact I acquired was legal. I purchased it from a highly respectable auction house. As a matter of fact, the only reason it was so easily stolen was because I was sending it back to the country of origin to facilitate a good will endeavor. The attempt failed and thousands of children are still at risk to this day because the country refuses to accept any aid from any country. I was hoping to use my charity to open the door, which remains firmly closed to any outsiders. Call me an optimist, but if am able to return the artifact, then at long last my charity could be the key to making headway into securing help for people who desperately need food, clean water, and shelter. We would earn their trust as an independent organization by returning the artifact. The only one preventing that success is your wife, Mr. James.”

“Then we’re in a stalemate, because she doesn’t have it to return.”

The two men exchanged cold looks. Reaper would be damned if he was the first to break the stare down, and Allerton appeared the same.

“I have a suggestion.” Agent Collins was the one to break the staring contest.

“Then let’s hear it.” Allerton broke the stare with him to focus on the agent.

In a contest of wills, the wealthy businessman would never give in so easily. Therefore, Reaper wasn’t fooled that Agent Collins and Allerton had a prearranged plan.

“I can arrange a lie detector test for Mrs. James to take. If she passes, Mr. Allerton, you will be able to look in other areas for the culprit, and Mrs. James will be able to move on with a clear conscience.”

“My wife could have been asked at any time before our arrival on your island for a lie detector test, and she would have happily agreed … after our lawyer assured us of the examiner’s credentials. Ginny will not be taking one here without our lawyer present to review the questions being asked. When we return to the States, a test can be arranged once those demands have been met.”

“Years have been lost in the search for the artifact. I refuse to waste more valuable time. As owner of Sherguevil Island and where Mrs. James committed the crime, this matter needs to be settled before Mrs. James will be allowed to leave.”

“By whose authority?”

“I am the sole authority for this island, which puts Evangeline under my jurisdiction.”

“Are you placing me under arrest for a crime you say I committed when I was three years old? How does that even make sense?”

Ginny’s calmness had him wanting to cheer her on. She was easily holding her own, refusing to let his threats get to her.

“Of course not. I’m merely not approving you to leave until you submit to the lie detector test. If you fail, that means you are withholding knowledge of the crime of stealing the artifact. I have been desperately searching for years, and withholding any information is an obstruction of justice on my island. Mrs. James, I suggest you and your husband deliberate on taking the test and give me an answer by morning. Meanwhile, please accept my invitation to a private dinner party tonight. Your mother will be there. She has been awaiting your arrival.”

Reaper wanted to tell him to shove his invitation but let Ginny make the decision.

“My father won’t be there?” Ginny asked.

“My dear, I hate to be the one tasked of informing you, but your father was delegated to an emergency response team three days after your arrival.”

“You’re just now telling me?” Ginny sent Agent Collins a castigating glare.

Allerton drew her gaze back to him. “We didn’t anticipate there would be a need to disappoint you. Soleil and I, as well as Jasper, assumed he would be gone only a few days leaving enough time to make it back before you were out of isolation. Regrettably, late last night, Jasper informed us because of the outbreak of Legionnaires from the contaminated water supply, the workers have been ill, thus hampering the efforts to repair the water system.

“I can see your disappointment, which your parents share. Your father promises to fly back as soon as everything is under control, and he’s asked me in his absence to provide the emotional support for Soleil. Of course, I gladly agreed.

Ginny deadpanned, “I’m relieved my supposed theft didn’t affect your friendship.”

“Our friendship has spanned over twenty-five years. I don’t believe in holding parents accountable for their children’s actions. Your parents have been living on the Sherguevil Island since your mother’s retirement from teaching, which has deepened our ties. Naturally, she is a bundle of nerves at meeting you. It was my suggestion to have a small dinner party to put both of you at ease.