Sorting through the paperwork inside the thick envelope, he found the marriage certificate, his passport, and his inoculation records. Knox had made sure to include any paperwork that could possibly keep him out of the country he was headed toward. He silently thanked Shade for suggesting he keep his medical records updated in case they had discovered Slate hiding in another country.

Sorting through the remaining papers, he saw that Knox had listed several of Allerton’s assets, as well as his known associates. Reaper read through the list before moving on to read the charities associated with his foundation. Giving an internal whistle at the names on the list, Reaper moved on to the overview of Allerton’s personal life. He was single and had been linked with a variety, high-profile women. The woman he was currently dating was a high-powered lawyer from D.C.

Taking out the marriage certificate, passport, and his health records, he placed them in the side pocket of the duffel bag Viper had given him. Replacing the rest of the papers in the envelope, he placed it in the storage box next to Train, as well as the empty jewelry box and letter Ginny had written him.

Queuing his mic, Reaper asked Train, “How much longer?”

“Twenty minutes.”

Reaper stared out the bubble of the windshield, his gut clenching at the thought of Ginny being gone before he arrived, and the FBI preventing him from seeing her, much less allowing him to go with her. So many scenarios were in play; each with their own measure of him not achieving his goal.

He grit his teeth when Train hit an air pocket, sending Train expertly fighting for control of the helicopter.

“Hang on.” Reaper heard Train’s voice come in and out of the headset.

Reaper tightened his harness. They were risking their lives to fly through the turbulent winds that Silas and Fynn created. Just a few weeks ago, death would have been a welcome relief from the mental anguish he had been suffering through. Ironically, he had never wanted to live more than he did now. He had fences to repair—the first and one of the most important was Ginny.

The image of her standing on the front porch consumed his thoughts. The hopeful expression on her face that turned sad when he had walked back up the porch steps was now more understandable. He thought she was too embarrassed to tell Silas she would be sharing his bed. In hindsight, she had been waiting for him to tell her about Taylor. She’d been testing his feelings for her, and he had failed. Miserably.

Static sounded in his ear. “Five minutes away.”

The helicopter bounced again. Reaper heard Train’s litany of curses, then suddenly felt the jarring movements stop, and the chopper flew smoothly. Five minutes later they were landing on a helipad.

Unfastening his harness, Reaper grabbed his bag and was already taking off at a run toward the small airport while the blades overhead still whirled.

Reaper felt a rush of wind pass him, crazily thinking it was Silas somehow urging him on. He had to blink twice before he realized it was Train running past him in order to hold open the door with his foot; it reminded Reaper of the friendship they had once shared.

“Getting slow, old man.” Train laughed, running next to him after they ran through the door.

Reaper stopped, and not because of the joke, but because he didn’t know where in the fuck to go. A hard hit to his shoulder had Reaper looking to where Train was pointing to the side of the concourse, five feet away.

Reaper saw three men in suits and Hammer waiting for Ginny as she came out of the women’s restroom.

Reaper took a deep of breath of oxygen, then released it in an explosion of air that had everyone staring at him.


Ginny jumped in shock hearing her name called out. Turning toward the voice she recognized, she saw Gavin and Train walking toward her.

Feeling a tug on each of her arms by two of the FBI agents, who were leading her toward the double glass doors that led outside, Ginny was tempted to give in to their silent demands. God help her, though, because she couldn’t move a muscle; she’d become frozen in place at Gavin’s menacing approach.

“Uh … I think … w-we should wait,” Ginny stuttered out in fear.

Oh God ….

She had gotten a glimpse of Reaper on the way back to Treepoint after they had stopped to help that couple on the side of the road, but it was nothing like the man who was coming in hot after her.

Ginny began to doubt her sanity for remaining in place and allowing Gavin to catch up with them. “Hammer?”

Hammer shrugged at her plea. “You’re on your own, kid.” Her childhood protector folded his arms across his chest.