Gavin handed Freddy over to Viper, who was standing by his side before he turned to face her. “Ginny, there have been times in my life when I felt God had turned his back on me. I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t understand He had given me His greatest gift—you. When most couples fall in love and marry, their love often evaporates in time like a glass full of water placed out in the sun until the water evaporates. That’s why soulmates have to constantly fight to be reunited with the other to refill the love that was lost. I pledge to refill the glass each and every day with my love so, at the end of our life together, there will be enough to overfill into the universe to light the way for you to find the eternity our love deserves.”

Breaking his gaze from hers, Gavin looked at the people surrounding them. “No matter how many lifetimes I’ve lived before, this will be the most special, because this is the one that I have all of you in my life. Not only did God bless me with Ginny, but He blessed me with each one of you.”

Gavin turned back to face her. “Ginny, I promise never to let you walk alone again, to be the shoulder that you can lean on in troubled times, and unconditionally love you despite how many times you’re angry enough to lock me out. You will never be invisible to me. You will be the reason I strive to be a better man and father. To be the man who deserves your love and the eternity that will be waiting when our time on earth is done.”

Ginny had to swallow back tears several times during Gavin’s speech.

“Ginny,” Paster Dean prompted her to give her vows.

“Gavin,” Ginny began shakily, “God never turned His back on me. It was me who turned my back on Him, I’m also ashamed to admit. Instead of punishing me, He gave me His greatest gift—you. I spent most of my life feeling as if I was expendable. With your love, I feel as if each beat of my heart and every breath I take is just as important to you as my last ones were. I don’t know how this lifetime will end, but I do know you’ve already given me enough love so that even if my heart doesn’t beat again, and I don’t take another breath, I won’t have to search in another lifetime. With you, I’ve already found eternity.

“Gavin, I promise, you’ll never walk alone again. I’ll be the shoulder to lean on in troubled times and love you unconditionally, especially when you’ve done something that makes me angry enough to lock you out. I will never take your love for granted and will strive to be the wife and mother you and our children deserve. I love you, and I promise to fill the glass with enough love for you that, when you try to pour yours, it will spill enough that everyone we love can share in our happiness with us.”

Paster Dean began speaking when she finished her vows. “Marriage is never an easy path to follow. Gavin, are you willing to make this commitment before God, and before those who have gathered here to provide witness?”

“Yes, I am.”

“You may place the token of your love on her finger.”

Ginny had to blink back tears at his firm resolution as he placed the ring on her finger.

“Ginny, are you willing to make this commitment before God, and before those who have gathered here to provide witness?”

“Yes, I am.” Her voice was just as firm as Gavin’s had been.

“You may place the token of your love on his finger.”

Ginny took the ring from Trudy, who had been holding it for safekeeping, to place the ring on his finger.

Paster Dean nodded as he continued to speak. “As your journey into your new lives begins, shed the pain of the journey of your search for each other.”

A soft song began playing from a cassette that Jewell must have set up to the side. Ginny began moving toward one side of the waterfall as Gavin began going to the other side. One at a time, Ginny removed her shoes as she walked toward the incline. At the base of the waterfall, she unbuttoned the full skirt of her wedding gown and lay her bouquet on the ground before climbing up the mountain in her white one piece swimsuit. Reaching the top of the waterfall, Gavin grabbed her hand, pulling her up the last step.

The music stopped, and Lucky began speaking again, his voice echoing over the sounds of the water cascading down. “As you jump, cast the fears and doubts aside to the wind as you, Ginny, and you, Gavin, dive into a future with all of our and God’s blessings.”