“Gavin doesn’t want what I can give him. He doesn’t believe he has the heart capable of loving another woman, and …” Embarrassed, Ginny looked away from her pastor. “He doesn’t like me touching him.”

“Have you and Reaper been intimate?”

“Yes.” Ginny wanted to sink through the floor, but she forced herself to be truthful and open. “He touches me, but he doesn’t like me to touch him. I asked Trudy and Sex Piston if I was doing it wrong, and they seemed to think something is wrong with his motor.”

At the strangled sound of his voice, Ginny looked to see Pastor Dean returning to his desk, sitting, his face expressionless, making her feel better.

“I see.” Pastor Dean began searching through his folders. “Perhaps there is someone else you can talk with who can give some advice that I won’t be able to.”

“Perhaps I could talk with Willa..”

“God no!” One of the folders the pastor was holding fell out of his hand and to the floor. “One of the women at the club could make a few suggestions.”

“I can’t do that. I’m worried one of them will tell me they’ve been with Gavin, and I won’t be able to get it out of my head. I really would prefer an objective opinion.”

“Reaper hasn’t been with any women at the club since his kidnapping,” her pastor said, standing up holding the folder. “So, anything she could tell you would have been in the past.”

Ginny thought about it, then decided against it. “No, none of them will be able to help me.”

“Why not?”

“I’m pretty sure they would have fixed his motor if Reaper was interested. Since he still has the problem …” Ginny shrugged. “Is there anyone else you could suggest?”

A thought came to her mind just as Pastor Dean shook his head.

Ginny gave Pastor Dean a bright smile. “I believe I know the right person. Thank you, Pastor Dean. Our talk has been a big help.”

Moving around the chair, she heard Pastor Dean scratch the floor as he pushed the chair back.

“Uh … Ginny, who’s the woman whose advice you’re going to ask? Perhaps I can talk to Willa …,” he hastily offered.

“That won’t be necessary. I think that’s where I’ve been wrong. The problem is one that a woman can’t fix. I need a man’s point of view. Thank you again, Pastor Dean. I’ll see myself out.”

Ginny turned when she heard him give a grunt of pain, seeing Pastor Dean holding his leg.

“What happened?”

“I accidentally hit the corner of the chair. Listen, Ginny—”

A knock behind her had Ginny hurrying to answer the door.

“Lucky, could you help me load a wedding cake into the van.”

Ginny’s interest was piqued at the mention of someone in town getting married. “Who’s getting married?”

“Dr. Griffin. She’s new to town,” Willa cheerfully told her. “Have you met her?”

Ginny was instantly thrilled for the woman.

“I’ll be with you in a minute, Willa.” Breaking into the conversation, Lucky tried to keep her from being sidetracked.

“She’s the one who examined my arm. Who’s she marrying?”

“He’s from out of town. I haven’t met him yet.”

“Two new people are moving to Treepoint? Wow. Drake will have to change the sign as you come into town.”

Willa and Ginny broke into laughter about the sign indicating the town name and the number of population that would go up instead of down.

“Ladies … Ginny, we really need to finish our conversation.” Lucky attempted once again to get her back on track.

Seeing he was becoming frustrated with Willa and not wanting to hold Willa up, she decided it was better to leave.

“That’s okay, Pastor Dean. I’ll let you know what I find out.” Giving Willa a brief one-sided hug, Ginny left the married couple, knowing she made the right decision when she heard them arguing as she left.

Who knew Pastor Dean could be so anal about his meetings with his parishioners being interrupted? Next time she needed his advice, she would make sure Willa didn’t have a big order to get out. Men could be such jerks sometimes.

The new doctor was lucky her fiancé was from out of town. That meant he didn’t have the same affliction that most of the men in this town had—jerk-itis.

Chapter Forty-One

Pushing the swinging door to the kitchen open with the flat of his hand, Reaper stared at the room full of people in frustration when he didn’t see who he was looking for.

“Where’s Ginny? And why didn’t someone answer my texts?” he asked in frustration.

“Because we’re eating.” Viper set his cup down on the table. “I was getting ready to text you back.”

“When? After you ate that pound of waffles?” Reaper snarled, going to the back door to let Suki out. Leaving the dog to do her business, he then went to the coffee machine. Grabbing a cup, he chose a nearly full pot.