Adjusting the speed to slow them down, Viper let the boat get as close to the beach as he dared.


At Viper’s barked order, Train, Lucky, and Jonas bailed out of the boat. Reaper raised his head enough for him to see them slogging through thigh-high water before he lay back down as Viper maneuvered the boat farther away from the beach.

“Get ready. I’m about to pull into the dock. What about the FBI agents who came with Ginny?” Viper asked as he idled the motor to bring it to the dock. “Where are they?”

“They’re in the two bungalows next to the one that Ginny and I were given. They’re three rookies, and I didn’t see them today. The only one I saw was Collins, the agent in charge, and I didn’t see him after he went into Allerton’s office this morning. Something’s not right about him. I can’t swear he’s dirty, but he didn’t fucking do shit to help either. And Ginny kept pestering me to trust him. Something’s up with him.”

“We’ll figure it out. First, we get the rookies, then go to the main resort.”

Viper stopped the boat, and Rider and Cash jumped off first.

Waiting for their signal, Reaper put his hands on the deck, preparing to jump up. “Take the brothers, and I’ll meet you at the resort. I have to get to Ginny.”

Viper got off the boat to stand next to Rider. “There are three guards trying to move the jeep that Reaper stole the key. Other than that, we’re clear. We’ll go get the rookies, then Ginny. It’s closer. Once we take the three guards out, we have a clear path to the rookies.”

The remaining brothers agilely jumped off the boat, swiftly moving toward the Moke. As Reaper landed on the dock, he grabbed the strap of Viper’s backpack.

“Here’s the key to the Moke. Get the fucking rookies. You’ll be right behind me. I have to get to Ginny.”

“No, we—”

Viper jerked his hand off the strap while they watched Hammer, Rider, and Shade take the guards out while the others were on the lookout for anyone coming.

Reaper wrenched him back to make him listen. “I’m going to Ginny!” he yelled.

“We are just—”

“Now. We have to go fucking now! One of the guards bragged about what they were going to do to her. I swore I’d never disobey another order from you, but I have to put Ginny first. Viper …”

His brother sent an impatient glare over his shoulder, about to pull away again.

“Ginny doesn’t know she’s carrying my child.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ginny shrugged her shoulder away from a guard who impatiently shoved her through the doorway of Allerton’s office. The alarming sight of Agent Collins sitting in one of the chairs in front of Allerton’s desk with his hands cuffed behind his back and his mouth taped closed brought her to a shocking halt.

Glaring at the nameless guard, Ginny went to Agent Collins. The closer she got, the more horrified she became seeing the extent of his injuries. His head fell limply back on his neck, his eyes were swollen shut, and he had a myriad of blue and purple bruises covering his face. The sight of the damage inflicted on the agent had Ginny reaching out to touch him.

“Don’t concern yourself, my dear. He’s still alive.”

“He needs medical attention.” Ginny nervously crossed her arms over her chest, adjusting her bracelet so it lay on her wrist and would quit riding up her arm under the sleeve of her shirt.

Ginny glared at Allerton as he came into the office to sit unconcernedly behind his desk. “Any help for that buffoon will have to wait until after we talk.”

Ginny stroked a flower charm to give herself courage as Allerton unveiled the hatred he had been disguising from her. “Provide him medical attention, or I refuse to say anything to you.”

Allerton sighed, rising from behind his desk to walk toward her.

Refusing to show fear, Ginny stood her ground as Allerton drew closer. Then, like a striking snake, he backhanded her on the side of her cheek.

“Riz, kill him.”

The guard closest to her went to Agent Collins, removing his gun from a holster and preparing to kill the unconscious man right in front of her.

“Wait!” Ginny shouted at Allerton. “We can talk.”

Allerton shrugged, calling the guard off. “The next time, I won’t stop him. Now that I have your complete attention, I want my questions answered.”

Ginny raised her fingertips to her stinging cheek, then pulled them back when she felt the warm wetness of blood. Allerton crossed his arms, his large signet ring openly displayed.

“What did you see when you were on that boat?”

“I’ve been telling you the truth. I don’t remember—”

She wasn’t able to finish her sentence before another stinging smack came her way. If her feet hadn’t been planted firmly apart, it would have sent her flying.