With that target neutralized, he rolled off Leif and raised the gun to see Devlin heaving himself up to clamber back into the boat. Reaper waited until he was midair before he rolled again, letting the fucker hit the deck.

Raising up into a sitting position before Devlin could lift himself up, Reaper threw himself on Devlin’s back, wrapping his free arm around his neck and putting him in a choke hold, holding him down with the weight of his body.

Laying the gun down on the deck next to him, Reaper paced his hand behind Devlin’s neck. “You should have kept on swimming,” Reaper hissed into his ear. “The name’s Reaper. You’re a dead motherfucker.” With one twisting motion, Reaper broke the fucker’s neck.

Releasing the dead body, Reaper snatched his gun and rose from the deck. Walking over to Boom, he checked his pulse, satisfied he was dead. Then Reaper went to Leif, taking the handcuffs from his belt before dragging the unconscious man to the passenger seat and handcuffing him to the metal bars. The only reason Reaper kept him breathing was in case one of the guards from the island radioed in.

Reaper quickly gathered all the weapons, unhooking Devlin’s gun belt off his dead body and putting it on. After checking the rounds, he placed the gun in the holster. Efficiently shoving what ammunition he found into his pockets and the guns from the other two men in his waistband, he got in the captain’s chair and started the motor. Aiming the boat for Clindale Island, Reaper opened the boat full throttle.

He’d gone no more than a couple of yards before a shining light hit him in the face from the island. Torn at wanting to get back to Ginny, Reaper didn’t change direction to Sherguevil, gunning the motor the boat flew over the ocean. Silas’s voice came out of the rushing wind the boat was generating.

“I’m with Ginny.”

Silas’s reassurance didn’t relieve him that he had made the right decision to head for Clindale.

Slowing the speed as he drew near, he pulled the boat into the dock. Cutting the motor, he stayed on the boat, expecting whoever had flashed the light at him to come out in the open. Another flash from had him checking to see if Leif was still incapacitated. Once confirmed, he removed the key, got out of the boat, and followed the flashes.

When he found where a tangled jungle growth had been beaten back, he took one of the guns out as he carefully moved forward until he came to small area that had been recently cleared.

Stopping, Reaper waited for another flash of light to show him which direction to go when he heard a small whistle that he recognized. Looking up, he watched as Shade lithely dropped down from a palm tree where he’d made a tree stand.

Reaper had to press his lips together in a thin line and squint his eyes closed to hold the emotions at bay at seeing the brother standing there. Opening his eyes, Reaper held his hand out to Shade. “Brother, you have no fucking clue how goddamn good you look to me right now.”

Shade smacked his hand down in his. “Brother, you have no fucking idea how good you looked to me when I saw your ass coming out of the water after those fuckers threw you in. If it hadn’t been for Viper, I would have broken cover to come fish your ass out.”

Their hands dropped to their sides as Reaper looked at him questioningly.

“How did he know …?”

The sound of footsteps coming toward him had Reaper raising the gun again. Shade forestalled him as Viper ran into the small clearing.

“How did …?” Reaper began, his eyes widening as Lucky, Knox, Cash, Rider, Train, Moon, Hammer, Jonas, and Jackal all came out, too. Each of the men were dressed in their military gear with their weapons ready.

“How long?” Reaper asked once he was able to control his voice as he started shaking the brothers’ hands. Taking Viper’s hand last, he pulled him into a bear hug while they smacked each other on the shoulders.

“Shade and Rider left the day after you. Knox and Train over a week ago. Shade sent me a transmission yesterday afternoon; the rest of us got here last night.”

The brothers broke apart, and Reaper took a step back to stare at the group of men. “Why didn’t you take those fuckers out before they dumped me over the side?”

Shade rested his weapon comfortably on his hip. “I wanted to, but Viper told me no. He said you had it under control. Viper was holding Rider back when I spotted you at the hull.”

Rider looked away uncomfortably as Shade recited what had been going on while he’d been underwater.

The fact that Viper commanded all the brothers to hold off, showed more about Viper’s confidence in him than words could. He didn’t have time to appreciate the fact or ask how they all had managed to slip onto the island. He needed to get to Ginny.