Reaper had shaken his head at him. “You’re not that stupid.”

“Brother, you know why a cat will always cross a fucking road, even if it knows there’s a chance it’ll be roadkill?”

“Can’t say I do.”

Moon had given him a shit-eating grin. “Because there’s nothing sweeter than when you make it to the other side.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Reaper watched the morning sunrise from the patio door. He had managed to grab a couple of hours sleep during the night before. Looking at the clock on the wall, he quietly went into the bedroom, intending to wake Ginny, only to find her awake. His eyes met hers from across the room.

“What time is it?”

“Seven. What do you want for breakfast?”

“Nothing. I couldn’t eat if I had to.” Sliding out of bed, Ginny went to the dresser to take out a pair of jeans, then went to the closet to take out a long-sleeved grey top with tiny flowers.

Walking across the room, Reaper took out his own change of clothes, putting them on while Ginny went into the bathroom to dress. He took one of her hair bands to tie his hair back in a ponytail, then braided it before taking another band to loop off the end. With the mirror covered, he wasn’t able to see the lopsided braid. Uncaring what the end result might look like, Reaper went back into the front room to make breakfast.

Placing two slices of bread in the toaster, he heated some water before taking out a box of tea. Removing two of the breakfast meals, he heated them in the microwave. By the time Ginny came out the bedroom, he had taken several bites of the meal and was making Ginny a cup of hot tea.

Seeing he set a place for her at the table, she made a face at him. “I told you I’m not hungry.”

“At least eat the French toast.” Setting the hot tea down in front of her when she sat down, he took the other chair to finish his French toast and sausage.

Staring at him eating from over the cup of tea, her face went pale.

“Take a bite of the toast. It’ll settle your stomach.”

Giving in, she lifted one of the slices to her mouth. “I need to get back to Treepoint so I can get some real food. All this microwaved food smells artificial.”

“That’s because it is.” Getting up to pour himself more coffee, he was happy to see she had eaten the first slice of toast and was working on the second. “What would you have for breakfast if you were home?”

“Oatmeal with raisins and some of Moses’ fresh honey.”

He made a face at her.

“You don’t like oatmeal?” she asked, picking up her fork to cut a section of French toast he made for her.

“Ate too much of it when I was stationed overseas.”

Once she finished her tea, he got up from the table to make her another cup. Satisfied to see she had eaten all of the French toast, he sat down to eat the sausage she hadn’t touched.

Afterward, they were washing the dishes when the knock came to the door.

“I guess it’s showtime.” Her attempt at humor failed miserably; she clutched his arm when he moved to answer the door.

“Gavin … if anything happens, trust Agent Collins.” Her eyes pled with his. “I would ask you to stay here, but I know you won’t.”

“I won’t,” he agreed.

“Then will you at least promise me to put in the same effort of keeping yourself alive as you would me if anything goes wrong? If anything happens to you, it won’t matter to me what Allerton does to me.”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s the truth. I can’t go back to living like I did before. I could live with a broken heart if you decide you don’t want a relationship with me, but I can’t survive in a world where you don’t exist. Don’t make me.”

“We’re both getting off this fucking island together, okay?”

Her face fell in disappointment when he wouldn’t give her his promise. “Yes.”

Reaper went to the window first to see who was at the door, then opened the door to the lone agent standing outside.

Agent Collins gave them a quick once-over, taking in their grim expressions. “Everything is all set. There will be a series of twenty questions. Afterward, you’ll be allowed to leave. This evening, you’re scheduled to have a private dinner with Mr. Allerton and Soleil where you will discuss the date of your departure from the island and if you want to wait for your father’s return. If you’re ready, we should go.”

With a clenched jaw, Reaper wrapped his arm around Ginny’s waist as they went outside to the Moke. He wanted to demand they could leave this afternoon, but it was a futile effort without Allerton’s approval.

The agent’s behavior and appearance instilled zero confidence in him if shit went down. While his suit was neat and clean, the dress shirt wasn’t loose enough to hide the protruding gut around his middle. Reaper guessed it had been several years since the agent had seen any active duty. Reaper almost asked him if he was carrying his service revolver.