The last year before he was due to return home, he had fallen in love with a beautiful woman, Aanya. She was the daughter of a leader from another neighboring country. Her country was more powerful, larger, and more progressive, with international relationships and ties to some of the largest companies in the world. Although they were more progressive, they controlled their citizens with an iron fist, much the same in that respect.

Aanya was indescribably beautiful, in body as well as in spirit. Her father, Markoff, adored his only daughter, and when Aanya used her power, she convinced her father to ease some the regulations he had imposed on their people. Her humanitarian efforts branched out, seeking to help others worldwide. When Aanya and Ivan Pavlov were sighted together, people from around the globe fell in love with the young couple’s burgeoning romance, and when they got engaged, their images were on every TV channel and in every magazine.

When Ivan’s father died unexpectantly, he immediately returned to his homeland with Aanya. Their marriage took place a month later, with Ivan letting his country celebrate as they had never done before. Markoff, Aanya’s father, and Alek Lukin, her older brother, had also attended. The country, who’d never allowed foreigners inside their gates, welcomed them, as well as many of his high-profiled friends Ivan had made while abroad.

The months afterward showed promising change in the rigid rule his people had lived under during his father’s reign. The people praised the changes and grew hopeful for the future, generating a swell of respect for Ivan Pavlov. Those affluent in the country spoke of their suspicions with such drastic changes, but those who had only known deep poverty and mind-numbing work had seen it as a sign their children wouldn’t be raised with a hungry belly.

While the country’s respect grew for Ivan, they fell in love with Aanya. Unlike other wives of previous leaders, she wasn’t closeted in the palace. Every day, she went out to different areas in the country to talk and meet her new countrymen and women. She was photographed playing with their children, talking to the women as they did their chores, and she would listen to the men’s concerns, promising to speak with her husband without fear of reprisal for speaking out. Aanya’s actions showed a deep commitment to her new homeland, and the people reciprocated by falling in love with her, showing a devotion whenever she was near.

Slowly, insidiously, Aanya’s daily walks grew less frequent, and soon the only representation she held from her former life was the pin indicating she was a princess from her country. The people could see the happiness that had always surrounded her disappearing, coincidentally Ivan ordered the media to leave and his friends stopped coming to visit. The media curtain went dark again and, from there, only small leaks of atrocities being committed could be heard from within.

When a month had passed without sight of Aanya, there had been a revolt. From the few accounts that had leaked out, it had been a bloody, brutal battle, only coming to a stop when Aanya made an appearance in front of the massive protestors to stop. Their love for her brought an end to the revolt as Aanya, but then once again disappeared back into obscurity within the royal palace. Ivan Pavlov handed down severe punishments for those who had taken part in the revolt, executing and imprisoning his people who violated the rules of his regime.

Ivan Pavlov remained untouched from the sanctions imposed by the UN. Alek Lukin, however, had been gradually taking control of his country as Markoff had grown old and frail. While superpower nations across the globe felt no threat from Ivan, they were wary of Alek Lukin, who was guilty of the same atrocities, yet his nation had been smarter about keeping them hidden from the world’s view. Alek revoked many of the changes that Aanya had convinced her father to incorporate, becoming powerful enough not only to rule their own country with an iron fist but he’d gained power to smaller nations across international. Alek was a formidable force that no one wanted to reckon with.

When international pressure rose that Alek was sanctioning Ivan’s tyranny, Alek disavowed his relationship with Ivan’s behavior and imposed embargos as well. As much he loved his sister, he severed all ties with her to protect his international reputation.

The revolt against Ivan taught him two valuable lessons. While he was their leader, it was Aanya who held their love. And while married to his daughter, Markoff had refused to send troops to help Ivan crush the revolt and until he saw his daughter make an appearance in front of the protestors, showing support of her husband, Markoff only then allowed his son full control.