She jerked her head to the side at the sound of the shower door opening and closing, and reflexively lifted the washcloth to hide her breasts. “What are you doing?”

“Taking a shower with you. There’s no need wasting water.”

Keeping the washcloth in place, Ginny freed one hand to attempt to shove him out. “I wanted some privacy.”

Grabbing her hand, Gavin moved her so she was standing in front of him. “What’s the big deal? We’ve showered together before.”

“The big deal is I wanted to be alone.”

“Cool. Just ignore me.” Taking the washcloth away from her, he squirted body wash over her breasts.

“Excuse me …” Turning around, she tried to take the washcloth back. “How am I supposed to ignore you when you’re doing that and … are poking me with that?”

“Ignore it. I am.”

“You’re just going to ignore it?”


Ginny scowled at the big buffoon as he smoothed the cloth over the body wash, creating a slick foam.

“It’s not a big deal.” Sliding to her other breast, he used his body to force her backward against the wall.

“It is a big deal.” Ginny tried to twist her pelvis to the side. “You’re drilling a hole into my stomach.”

Gavin lowered his mouth to her neck. “I’d rather drill a hole somewhere else.”

Trying to swat his dick away, they ended up tussling in the shower; Ginny lost the battle when Gavin lifted her up, and afraid he would drop her, she wound her thighs around his hips.

“I’m not in the mood.”

“Then why are your little nipples cold?’

“The water’s cold,” she snapped, managing to get the washcloth away from him, then buried his face in it. “You had a spot of gravy on your beard. I took care of it for you,” she told him, trying to scrub his face off.

“You can be a vicious little thing when you want to be.”

“And you can be a hound dog when you want to be.” Glaring at him, she smacked him with the washcloth. “There, I missed another spot!”

Ripping the washcloth away from her, he tossed it over the shower stall. “I’m not a hound dog. They go after any pussy available. I know which one I’m after.” He rubbed the head of his dick suggestively between the cleft of her thighs.

“You used to be, didn’t you?” she bit out between gritted teeth, fighting the rush of warmth the cool water wasn’t helping quell.

“Of course not. I’ve always been a one-woman man.”

Ginny stared at him suspiciously. “Seriously?”

“Would I lie to you?”

Doubts surfaced, but Ginny took his word for it. Why would he lie? She stopped her struggles, thinking she had made a mountain out of a molehill. Maybe her nerves were just getting the better of her and she’d overreacted.

“Did that make your mood better?” He grinned, flexing his hips toward her again.

“I’m getting there.”

Sliding his wet hair away from his face, Ginny scanned his innocent-looking face for any sign of deceit. “You’re too sexy for your own good.”

“Who wants to be good”—slipping the head of his dick easily inside of her opening, he traced her earlobe with his tongue—“when it’s more fun to be bad?”

Gavin took control of her senses with each plunge of his cock, smashing through her uncertainty as if using a magic wand. Raspy sighs came from both of them as a passionate haze surrounded them.

She scored her fingernails through Gavin’s hair to go his shoulders, down his back, wanting to leave her mark on every part of his body. She wanted the experience of them having sex to erase every woman he had touched from his memory. Better yet, she wanted to make him useless to any woman who came within his vicinity.

Giving every ounce of her to him, she clasped her thighs tighter and started bouncing on his dick, making him go faster. Gavin had to place a hand on the shower wall to prevent them from slipping on the slick floor.

His harsh breaths echoed louder as she demanded more of him. Using the showerhead, she lifted herself higher to slam herself down on his thrusting dick, inadvertently hitting the magic spot that sent them down a whirlpool of desire.

Arms shaking, Gavin set her back to her feet. “Damn, woman, you need to relax more often,” he teased, removing his hand from her butt cheek to reach down and snag the sodden hand towel from the floor.

Appreciatively watching the supple muscles in his back, Ginny twined her arms around his middle, brushing her mouth over his shoulder as he retied the hand towel back on the showerhead. With her fingertips, she smoothed through the curly hairs at the juncture of his thighs.

Gavin caught her hand, moving it higher up his waist. She didn’t try to put it back, knowing very well Gavin had limits, even though she’d given him access to every part of her—body and soul.