Her mouth dropped open. “No.”

“It would take your mind off worrying,” he suggested. “It’s a good way to relax.”

Picking up her fork, she stabbed a big fat shrimp. “I take it you’ve used that relax technique before.”

“A time or two.” Loading up his fork, he ate, unconcerned about her heated glare. “You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I’m relaxed enough. If you feel the need, have at it on your lonesome. I’ll watch.”

His interest was piqued. “You’d watch?”

She almost choked on the shrimp at his dirty expression. Ginny had to drink a sip of water before she could get the damn thing down her throat. “I was joking.”

“Have you ever watched a man jerk off?”

“No, and I don’t want to,” she managed to strangle out.

Gavin placed both elbows on the table to give her a lust-filled, come-hither smile. “Don’t knock it before you try it.”

“I’ll pass.” Ginny picked up her linen napkin to fan herself.

“The Last Riders and I assumed you didn’t know about the rules of the club, but you do. Killyama told you, didn’t she?”

Ginny bounced off her chair as if it were on fire with the embarrassing turn in the conversation. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. You can have the rest of my food. I’m going to take a shower.”


Freezing at the authoritative manner he spoke her name, Ginny regretted letting her smart aleck mouth get her in trouble.

“Yes?” Widening her eyes, she tried to bluff the way Silas had taught her.

Gavin wasn’t fooled by her playing stupid. Linking his fingers together, he stared at her. “We were discussing what else Killyama told you.”

“I wouldn’t call it a discussion,” she corrected him. “And for your information, Killyama has never mentioned the rules of the club. Satisfied?”

“Not hardly. Who told you then? T.A. or Sex Piston?”

“No one, okay? Jeez, what got us on this topic anyway?”

“You’re lying.”

Ginny pulled her shoulders back, affronted. “I am not. I would never lie to you.”

“Very well.” Gavin dropped his hands and began eating again.

Thinking she was going to get away scot-free, Ginny tried to make her escape again.

“Would you like me to tell you the rules?”

Gritting her teeth, Ginny knew there was no way in hell she was going to be able to listen to Gavin tell her the rules of the club and be able to keep up pretenses. “That’s okay. Where is the time going?” she asked inanely. “I better get a move on.”

“It’s only two o’clock.”

“If I’m going to die, I want to look nice.”

He didn’t appreciate her attempt at humor.

Forestalling him from continuing to talk about the club rules, Ginny began backing out of the room.

“Go ahead. We can talk about this later—”

“Fine with me,” she said, not realizing he wasn’t done with his sentence.

“—tonight,” he finished.

Damn, when Gavin got on a roll, he could beat a dead horse to death. How had she never noticed that before?

“Fine!” she snapped. Allerton was probably going to kill her, so it wouldn’t matter anyway.

“I’m not going to let Allerton kill you.” Reaching for her plate, he began wolfing down her leftovers.

“I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

“Well, you did. My offer to relax you is still open, by the way.”

“I’ll pass.”

Belatedly, a light bulb went off in her head as to why she didn’t want to discuss what went on in the club and why she was backing away.

The sexual magnetism emanating from Gavin had her scenting danger. Sexual energy was pouring off him in spades, winding around her like an imaginary rope drawing her back toward him.

Ginny grabbed the doorjamb, feeling ridiculous while, at the same time, wanting to go to back to the table and lick every inch of his body. She’d been attracted to Gavin since she first set eyes on him. The man was undeniably eye candy.

Something had been imperceptibly changing—or returning?—so slowly, and it had gone unnoticed until it was practically hitting her in the face. Analyzing the change, Ginny took a few seconds to recognize what it was. Then clarity struck.

His sexuality, which had been traumatized during his captivity, was remerging. Jeez, the man was like dynamite without a freaking fuse, and what would be worse was Gavin figuring it out. He’d be unstoppable where women were concerned … Hell, anyone with two legs and a …

Ginny turned tail and ran like a scalded cat.

She took off her clothes, then turned the shower on before she even took her bra off. Slinging her bra to the floor, Ginny stepped into the shower and snapped the door closed.

Letting the spray dampen her hair, she placed her hands on shower wall, letting the cold water cool her down. The sexual hunger she had just experienced had taken her by surprise. Gavin never had a problem getting a response when he touched her, but him being capable of making her wet just by staring at her was a shock to her system.