Being on the other end of the icy disdain, which Desmond was famous for in their elite circle, irked him. Nevertheless, Gabriel took into account the profitable arrangements Beck Industries had at their disposal. Profitable arrangements that Gabriel had been working unscrupulously to have under his own control.

“Very well. Can you arrange for your own transportation, or do you need me to send my private jet?”

“Send yours. I don’t want my men to know I’m leaving. Text me when I need to be at the airport.”

“I will. And Desmond, please remember what I said about interference. You’re really one of the few who doesn’t bore me to tears. However, I won’t take that into consideration if I have to end our association.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you do. Good-bye.”

Desmond disconnected the call, placing his cell phone on his desk. “Satisfied? Allerton agreed to let me come, but it wasn’t without him giving me a stern warning about any interference.”

Waving away the curling cigar smoke, Desmond poured himself a glass of brandy before taking the chair next to his former partner. “Must you smoke in my office? The smell will linger in my books.”

King pulled his cigar away from his mouth to stare at the glowing tip. “Do you know how long it has been since I have been able to enjoy a good glass of brandy and cigar at the same time?”

“Being a father and being married do have their pitfalls.”

“Yes, they do.”

“Any regrets?” Desmond asked him curiously.

“No, not one.”

“I would count the lack of cigars and brandy as two.”

“Evie doesn’t make me give them up; it was my decision to make. It doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy them when the mood strikes me.”

“My phone call didn’t lighten your mood?”

“Not unless I misunderstood and Allerton is sending Reaper and Ginny back?” King’s keen gaze cut through the curling smoke.

“You didn’t misunderstand.” Desmond gently swirled the brandy in his glass. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but whatever he has in store for Ginny and Gavin won’t be swayed with my presence on the island, which is what I told you when showed up on my doorstep.”

“Gabriel Allerton was raised with a golden spoon in his mouth. He’s never had to be afraid of his own protection a day in his life. You’re going to send a message that, if anything happens to Gavin and Ginny, there won’t be a rock he can hide under.”

“Allerton only hires the best. Those who fail to live up to his expectations are never heard from again,” Desmond countered. “He is welcome around the globe.” He took a sip of his brandy before getting up to refill King’s glass. “Allerton only hires the best for his security personnel and has a jet at his disposal. Whatever threat comes his way will be met with force from whichever country he flees to.”

“No rock will be able to hide him,” King reiterated his words, glancing up as his glass was refilled. “Or you.”

Desmond placed the brandy bottle back on the mahogany sideboard. “Are you threatening me, King?”

King placed the cigar between his teeth to gently cup the brandy glass. “We go back a long way, Desmond. But if anything happens to Ginny and Reaper, I won’t protect you. I walked away from having a family once, and it nearly destroyed my most precious possession. A Last Rider saved her, made her whole again. So, no, I won’t step in. I will be right with them, seeking revenge. Unlike Allerton, I wasn’t raised with a golden spoon in my mouth. I can go back to using plastic—they both accomplish the same end.”

Desmond stiffened, turning back to him. “Using plastic …? That wasn’t just a figure of speech, was it?”

“I know where you’ve buried the bodies on the road to your success. I would hate to use that knowledge against you, but I will if I have to.”

“The Predators would never turn against me—”

“Look out the window.”

Desmond went to the window beside the sideboard.

“The Predators might work for you, but they are loyal to me,” King stated implicitly.

“I’m aware. I should have replaced them with those who wouldn’t have divided loyalties,” Desmond ruminated out loud.

“Ice and Jackal would have slit your throat if you tried to replace the Predators with new blood.”

“What’s the difference between then and now? My neck is still on the chopping block.”

“The difference is you can help Reaper and Ginny. You will also have both the Predators’ and The Last Riders’ gratitude. That, my old buddy, is worth more gold than Allerton will ever give you.”

“My relationship with Allerton goes beyond money.”

“Are the connections he provides worth your life?”

Desmond leaned a hand on the side of the windowsill, staring out at Ice and Jackal standing on his front lawn with twenty or so men sitting on their bikes in the private driveway behind them. The high, imposing gates blocking the entrance had a guard station with two men at all times. Desmond was disgusted with his men.