“I’m not asking for more money,” Collins hastily backtracked. “I’m merely saying we’ll have to be more discreet in how we handle the situation with Evangeline now that we know they’re married.”

“They aren’t any more married than I am.”

“The certificate is legit. My director approved Mr. James accompanying his wife.”

“The director of the FBI isn’t on my payroll. You are.” The undercurrent of his statement expressed his disapproval of the agent’s job performance. “I’m checking into the legality of their marriage. Until then, all you have to do is keep them contained to the area I designated for them.”

“Then what?”

“Arrangements will be made for Mr. James to be flown out, accompanied by your three trainees, if I find out the marriage certificate was fabricated.”

“What if they are married?”

“Then I will continue as I would have if her other companion had arrived. Four more casualties of the virus, while tragic, are explainable.”

“What’s the difference? Both men are highly skilled in combat and training.”

Gabriel rubbed the side of his forehead, trying to find patience. “The difference being, it would have been much easier to make Hammer disappear than Gavin James. Hammer has no close relatives, and he’s recently retired from the service. The only ones who’d miss him are his partner and the woman they share a relationship with. The pair could easily be dealt with, unlike Gavin who has several groups of men who will demand an explanation after his disappearance.”

“They won’t want an explanation; they’ll be out for blood if anything happens to him.”

“Precisely. While Mr. James’ affiliations are of no concern to me, there is no reason to become a source of their animosity unless I am given no choice. The legitimacy of their marriage is being investigated. Until then, all you have to do is keep them contained. Are you able to accomplish that task?”

“Of course.”

“Very well.”

When Collins remained unmoving, Gabriel pointedly flicked his eyes toward the door. “You may leave.”

The FBI agent sank further below the expectations Allerton already had for the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Normally, he would never have hired someone as incompetent as Agent Collins. However in this situation, it worked to his advantage.

The door hadn’t even closed behind Collins before his assistant walked back inside.

“Desmond Beck is on line two.”

Gabriel waved Ethan back out as he reached for the phone, waiting for the door to close before he pushed the flashing button. “Desmond, how are you?” Gabriel deliberately infused warmth into his voice greeting one of his more generous donors.

“Doing well. How about you?”

“Depends on why you’re calling.” Leaning back casually on his highbacked leather chair, he kept monitoring the computer as he talked. “Are you ready to give me a chance to even the score? I’m getting tired of you bragging to all our friends about how you beat me at that last round of golf.”

“Cut it out, Gabriel. We hate golf, and neither of us can name one person we call a friend, even if our lives depended on it.”

Gabriel’s caution eased slightly, but not enough to chance lowering the guard he placed on every word when he talked to any of his benefactors over the phone, though he was sufficiently confident Desmond’s line wasn’t being monitored. “Too true. What can I do for you today?”

“It’s not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you,” Desmond replied curtly. “Whatever spill you’re trying to clean up, let it go. You’re just going to make it worse and get the rest of us buried next to you.” Desmond was a man of few words and got right to the point.

“And exactly how are you aware of my endeavors?” Gabriel replied just as brusquely.

“One of my men is married to the sister of a Last Rider.”

“Which man?”


“I meant which Last Rider is her brother?”

“Gabriel …” Desmond’s voice took on a cutting edge. “We’ve never played games with each other; don’t start now. You don’t make moves unless you know exactly who you’re up against. That’s why our business together has been so profitable, which is the only reason I’m giving you this suggestion. Send Ginny and Gavin home, plain and simple.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. Nothing about this situation is plain or simple. I’m rather busy at this moment, Desmond. We can talk later.”

“If your time is so precious, then I’m coming there. I am not going to be caught up in this without having a safe way out.”

“Forgive me if I doubt your motives for coming for a visit. I won’t tolerate any interference from you, Desmond.”

“When have I ever interfered? I prefer a safe place to stay, where I don’t have to worry about getting my throat slit while I’m sleeping.”

“You have several estates to choose from that can offer you the same protection.”

“That just shows me how much you’re underestimating The Last Riders and the Predators.”