“Yes, they want to make sure you don’t move without their notice.”

“It could also be they’re concerned about us sneaking out while we’re in quarantine.”

“You can think that, if that makes you feel better,” he said, reserving the right to keep his own opinion.

“It doesn’t.”

Rubbing her back comfortingly, Reaper waited for her to stop trembling.

“You think they’re listening, too?”

Nodding, he remained silent.

“I should have never let you come.”

Reaper heard the despair in her whisper.

“Where’s all the anger you had a minute ago?” he asked, trying to get her spark back.

“I lost it when I saw the guns they’re holding.”

“They’re assault rifles. Allerton isn’t playing any games.”

“No, he isn’t. I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“It’s a little late for both of us. Do you trust me, Ginny?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I do.”

“Then quit worrying. I’m not going to let them hurt you. Was there anything else in your plan?”

“I was going to find what I had stolen and make him leave me alone.”

He had hoped for a better plan, something he could work with. Neither was he was reassured by the simplicity of the plan.

“Did you explain your plan to Hammer?”

“He told me it wasn’t much of a plan … Will you quit laughing at me?”

He could either laugh or cry. Laughter won. Something wasn’t ringing true for him, however. Hammer and Jonas had been the ones who uncovered his kidnapping. Hammer going along with this asinine plan without a detailed way to accomplish the objective was blowing his fucking mind.

Pulling out of his arms, she placed her hands on her hips defiantly. “I’m open to suggestions.”

“Let’s go inside and see what food is in the cabinets. I’m starving,” he said in a normal tone of voice. Indicating for her to go first, Reaper then followed closely on her heels back into the bedroom.

After removing barricade from the door, Ginny noticed a blinking light on the phone in the small sitting area. She listened to the message, then started for the door. “They placed our luggage outside the door.”

“I’ll get them,” Reaper told her as he went to the door. Looking through the peephole, he didn’t see anyone. Opening the door, he brought his duffle bag and Ginny’s suitcase inside before closing the door.

“Don’t touch anything,” he said when he saw Ginny was going through the refrigerator.

“I’m hungry,” she said, taking her head out of the fridge.

“I am, too. Let me see what we have to work with.” Moving around her, Reaper opened a few cabinets, finding dishes in one and nothing in the others. Going to the refrigerator next, he found neatly packaged microwavable meals.

Could one fucking thing work in his favor? he thought sarcastically. He hated to be at a disadvantage; they were solely dependent on what Allerton gave them.

Reaper moved to the side of the fridge. “Pick what you want, and I’ll heat it up.”

Ginny immediately picked out a croissant with turkey sausage.

Taking it from her, Reaper chose the same thing for himself, then took out the carton of orange juice before closing the door.

Grabbing a plate from the cabinet, he heated both croissants and poured them both a glass of the juice. Instead of giving her a glass, he took a small sip from his.

Giving him a strange glance, Ginny reached for hers, but Reaper moved it across the counter, out of her reach.

“Wait a few minutes.”

Ginny cocked her head to the side with curiosity. “Why?”

“I want to wait until I’m sure it isn’t laced.” Reaper removed the croissants from the microwave. “A sedative or—”

“Pois … on?” Her breath hitched on the word.

“Ginny, I’m just trying to be cautious.” Reassured the orange juice was fine, he scooted the glass over to her.

“Shouldn’t I be the one doing the taste testing? If something happens to you, what am I supposed to do? Carry your big body over my shoulder and take off?”

Taking a bite of the croissant sandwich, Reaper watched her refuse to drink her juice. “What did you plan to do if something happened to Hammer?”

“I would have told them I wouldn’t give or tell Allerton what I stole.”

He took another bite of his sandwich. “Then stick to that plan.” He decided not to disclose that if the soldiers in Allerton’s employment were determined to get information, they wouldn’t go about it in a particularly gentle fashion.

“Okay, but I still think it makes more sense for me to do the taste testing.”

Finishing his sandwich and juice off, he then carried the duffel bag to the table. He rummaged through what Viper had packed for him to see if anything had been removed.


“Hmm …?”

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Because you’re right. They won’t lethally dose the food if they want information from you.”

“Then …?”

Reaper spared her a brief glance as he removed the clothes from his duffel to get access to the hidden compartments that Razer had made when he designed the bag. “Drop it. Eat your breakfast; it’s getting cold.”