Gavin moved his face within centimeters from hers. “Then you’ve got the brain of duck if you think I’d go along with this for a fucking second. All four of us are going back to Treepoint. Diamond can handle any charges brought against me or The Last Riders.”

“I’m not only doing this for you or The Last Riders. Helping you and them is a benefit, not the whole reason.” Ginny raised truth-filled eyes to his.

“Then what is the other fucking reason are you doing this?”

“For Trudy, Will, and Hammer.”

Chapter Seven

“I can’t keep running to make everyone safe. How would you like living every single minute of each day hiding who you are and if you make a mistake those people you love could pay the consequences?” Ginny placed a hand over his on the arm of the chair. “Since I was three years old, I’ve been living with the fact that Hammer, Papa Will, and Trudy’s life were in danger because they were protecting me. One hint that I was still alive, and their lives could be forfeited to get to me. It’s why I was never able to see my grandmother before she died, why I couldn’t let anyone know Trudy was my sister, why I maintained my distance from my brothers, why any time something happens, I have to separate myself so no hint of my past can come to light. I either face Allerton or I’ll have to add my niece or nephew to that list. I won’t live like that anymore. I won’t ask anyone else to pay the price of loving me costs.”

“You could have told me.”

Ginny heard the slight tinge of hurt and mistrust in his voice.

“When was I supposed to tell you? Last night?” Ginny felt a blush rushing to her cheeks as she shook her head. “If you’re completely honest, you don’t know what you feel about me. You couldn’t even tell me about seeing Taylor this morning, and yet you sit here, angry at me for keeping a secret from you that could get Trudy, Will, and Hammer hurt.”

“I’m not angry you kept your identity from me; I’m angry because even though you say it was to protect T.A., Will, and Hammer I know the main reason you exposed yourself is because of me.” He wrapped his free hand around her neck. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Ginny tried to look away from him, but he wouldn’t allow it. She knew then she couldn’t lie to him. “I can’t,” she whispered. “It’s too late. Allerton knows I’m alive now. There’s no going back. I’m going to see this through; take Hammer and leave. Please, Gavin.” She fervently tried to get across to him how important this was to her. “I have to do this. I can’t live with myself if something happens. Trudy and Hammer have families now, and I can’t be their obligation any more. I have to stand on my own two feet. I should have done this a long time ago, but I wasn’t brave enough.”

“What makes you so sure that you are now?”

“I’m not sure I am. I just can’t live with the consequences any longer if I don’t.”

He tightened his hand on her neck like he wanted to shake some sense into her. Instead, he pulled her closer.

“I’m not going to let you do this alone,” he said.

Her protective instincts for Gavin warred with her determination to return to Clindale Island and accomplish what needed to be done. She didn’t want to lead him into danger. He deserved more than losing his life trying to keep her safe.

“Why are you here?” She futilely fought herself to remain in his hold. Gathering her self-control, she moved her hands to his chest to push him back. “Taylor is waiting. Go,” she gasped out, finally getting some breathing room.

“Either I go with you, or you’re not going.”

Ginny saw the tendons in his jaw lock in determination and she hated herself for the relief that flooded through her. Before she could stop from exposing the fear she kept hidden when she saw he was scrutinizing her expression, Gavin gave her an abrupt nod. She didn’t like the message she read in his eyes.

“Wait.” Ginny tried to pull him back down when he started to rise. It was a wasted effort.

Reaching down for her, he tugged her to her feet then went to stand in front of Hammer. “Go home. I’ve got this.”

Hammer stood, his hard features remaining stoic at Gavin’s announcement. “I’m trusting you with her. Don’t let me down,” he finally said before pulling her into his arms.

Ginny was shocked at the gesture. Hammer had never given any indication of his feelings for her. He still didn’t … other than holding her close.

“Kid, if you get yourself hurt, I won’t be happy.”