Making a beeline for Trudy, he handed her the roses. “Trudy, I love Evangeline. I promise to love and cherish her every day. I promise she will never feel invisible again. I also promise to let her have one slumber party a month.

“Viper and I were never blessed with a sister, but if Evangeline consents to marry me, Viper and I both welcome you into our family as our sister with open hearts and arms. May I have your blessing to marry your sister?”

Trudy motioned to the side table. “Killyama, hand me a tissue. I give you my bless—”

“Not so fast, hot shot.” Sex Piston picked up the tissue box, tossing the whole box at Trudy. “What do we get out of you marrying Ginny? She’s like a sister to us; where’re our fucking flowers?”

Gavin reached into his suit pocket and pulled out an envelope. “In the envelope are four gift certificates to King’s restaurant. Each certificate has enough money to take your whole family out for steak dinners and dessert. Ginny told me how much you like eating out. I thought you might like a steak versus flowers.”

“You thought right.” Crazy Bitch jerked the envelope out of Sex Piston’s hand, dividing the certificates among them.

“Ladies, may I have your blessing?”

Sex Piston opened her arms wide. “Come to mama!”

Gavin stepped forward to be hugged by Sex Piston, Crazy Bitch, Fat Louise, and lastly by Killyama. Trudy stood up when it was her turn, her eyes twinkling in merriment. Placing a kiss on his cheek, she hugged him before releasing him.

“Make her happy, Gavin. Evangeline has never wanted roses or champagne. From the moment Evangeline drew her first breath, she’s only wanted one thing—to be loved.”

“I can do that.”

Escaping, Gavin hurried past Dalton.

“Ginny called and told them I was coming, didn’t she?”

“About five minutes before you got here,” Dalton confirmed. “Show off,” Dalton muttered, holding his hand out. “I thought I’d never see the day that those she-cats could be tamed.”

Gavin reached into his pocket, taking out four pieces of paper and giving them to Dalton.

Dalton laughed, looking through the cell phone numbers scrawled under their names that the bitches have given him. “At least Trudy—”

“Forgot one.” Gavin reached into his pocket and took another slip of paper.

Gavin knocked on the heavy wooden door.

“Gavin, come in. You’re right on time.”

Gavin waited until Pastor Dean was seated behind his desk. “I came to ask for your permission to marry Ginny. I understand where I went wrong when I spoke to you before. You’re not only Ginny’s pastor and friend, but the man who mentored her and gave her peace and a kind ear when she needed it most in her life. As her pastor, I am asking you to consent to our marriage. And as a friend, I’m asking you to perform our wedding ceremony, if I get your permission.”

Gavin held his breath, waiting for Pastor Dean’s verdict.

Coming out from behind the desk, the pastor held out his hand. “As Ginny’s pastor, she has my permission to marry you. As your friend, I would be proud to marry you and Ginny.” Then his smile widened. “And as a brother, I want to say you finally got it fucking right.”

Reaper smoothed the sleeves of his suit before he knocked on the door. Nervously, he ran a hand around the back of his bare neck, still getting used to having all of his hair cut off. It’ll grow back, he consoled himself. He needed to make a good impression to the man inside.

“Hi, Gavin.” Lily smiled at him from the doorway. “How are you doing today?”

“Good. How are you?”

Shade’s wife’s beautiful violet eyes shined with mirth.

“Taking advantage of the boys being over at Razer’s, and the men babysitting Mae while Rachel and I fix lunch. Come inside. The men are upstairs in Mae’s room.”

Waving him inside, Gavin went into the kitchen to greet and hug Shade’s stepmother. Waiting until Rachel had her welcoming tears under control, he went upstairs following Lily’s directions. Silently, he stood in the doorway and a tiny Mae played hostess to the men who were sitting on the floor. Mae was having a pretend tea party and the men were sipping out of plastic cups as the little girl pour imaginary tea from a teapot.

Reaper cleared his throat to let them know he was there. Shade jumped to his feet, while Will stayed seated.

“Sorry to interrupt the party. Will, may I have a word with you?”

“Shade help me up. My knees aren’t what they used to be.”

Reaper enter the feminine room, going to Will’s other side to take Will’s other arm.

Once Will was standing, Shade went to pick up Mae when she started crying. It never failed to move him when he saw Shade holding his daughter. He was an excellent father to his sons, but Mae held Shade’s heart in her tiny palm. Soothing his daughter in a low voice, Shade went to the side of the room to pick up a book to set on a white rocking chair and began reading to her.